
Slow down your camel at their abodes

هاتيك دارهم رويدك بالسرا

1. Slow down your camel at their abodes
Until I bid my soul farewell, atop the soil

١. هاتيكَ دارُهُم رُوَيدُكَ بِالسُرا
حَتّى أُعَفِّرَ وَجنَتي فَوقَ الثَرى

2. O guide of camels, do you not see
My tears have written lines atop my cheek

٢. يا حادِيَ الأَضعانِ وَيكَ أَما تَرى
كَتَبَت دُموعي فَوقَ خَدّي أَسطُرا

3. After flowing copiously red
How good was our life at Al-Abraq

٣. مِن بَعدِ ما أَجرَت نَجيعاً أَحمَرا
ما كانَ أَطيَبَ عَيشِنا بِالأَبرَقِ

4. The hand of separation did not touch our bond
After they left, my heart was inflamed and I yearned

٤. وَيَدُ الفِراقِ بِوَصلِنا لَم تَعلَقِ
واحَرَّ قَلبي بَعدَهُم وَتَشَوُّقي

5. Why does time not help me be reunited
My eyes beholding them and delighting in the sight

٥. أَفَما يُساعِدُني الزَمانُ وَتلتَقي
عَيني بِهِم وَتَلَذُّ مِنهُم مَنظَرا

6. By Allah, my thoughts have not narrated
Of nights past that were intimate to us

٦. وَاللَهِ ما حَدَّثتُ عَنهُم خاطِري
بِلَيالِياً سَلَفَت لَنا في حاجِرِ

7. Except that tears furrowed my eyelids
And when I turned my vision to others

٧. إِلّا وَقَرَّحَتِ الدُموعُ مَحاجِري
وَإِذا صَرَفتُ إِلى سِواهُم ناظِري

8. Passion pulled the reigns of my gaze, deceitful
When I stood at the ruins of the encampment

٨. جَذَبَ الغَرامُ عَنانَ طَرفي مَزورا
لَمّا وَقَفتُ عَلى عراصِ المَربَعِ

9. I weep and ask about them in agony
An intimate called to me with an aching heart

٩. أَبكي وَأَسأَلُ عَنهُم بِتَفَجُّعِ
نادَت حَميمَتُهُ بِقَلبٍ موجِعِ

10. They moved from the homelands after gathering
And left it empty of them, desolate

١٠. رَحَلوا عَنِ الأَوطانِ بَعدَ تَجمّعُ
عَنها وَأَضحى الرَبعُ مِنهُم مَقفِرا