
My heart's beloved, you were my life,

أحباب قلبي بنتم

1. My heart's beloved, you were my life,
My every question, you were the light.

١. أَحبابَ قَلبي بِنتُمُ
وَكُلُّ سُؤلي كُنتُمُ

2. May Allah not deprive the sanctuary,
Nor the valley, of your blessed sight.

٢. لا أَوحَشَ اللَهُ الحِمى
وَلا العَقيق مِنكُمُ

3. How I've wept for your old dwellings!
How I've asked for news of your plight!

٣. كَم قَد بَكَيتُ رَبعَكُم
وَكَم سَأَلتُ عَنكُمُ

4. My thoughts ever turned towards you,
You were all my care day and night.

٤. كَيفَ اِشتِغالي عَنكُمُ
وَكُلُّ شُغلي أَنتُمُ

5. To be near you was but healthfulness,
While distance brought only blight.

٥. القُربُ مِنكُم صِحَّةٌ
وَالبُعدُ عَنكُم سِقَمُ

6. And whenever I thought of you,
My eyes overflowed outright.

٦. وَكُلَّما ذَكَرتُكُم
يَفيضُ مِن عَيني دَمُ

7. My days after you are dark as night,
No light or joy left in my sight.

٧. ضَوءُ نَهاري بَعدَكُم
مِثلَ اللَيالي مُعتِمُ

8. O Lord, protect me from the cruelty of fate,
Be my judge, and show me what is right.

٨. يا رَبِّ مِن جَورِ النَوى
جُدلي فَأَنتَ الحَكَمُ

9. They tried to tempt us, but availed not,
No schemer could our bond e'er blight.

٩. سَعَوا بِنا فَلا سَعَت
بِالكاشِحينَ قَدَمُ

10. The spring of my joy has, since we parted,
Been forbidden, devoid of delight.

١٠. رَبيعُ لَذاتِيَ مُذ
فارَقتكُم مُحَرَّمُ