1. No wonder if longing plays with it,
It is a gazelle and its breeze is fluttering.
١. لا غَروَ إِن لَعِبَت بِهِ الأَشواقُ
هِيَ رامَةٌ وَنَسيمُها الخَفّاقُ
2. Whoever blames it has been overcome by passion,
And darkness has taken over his heart.
٢. مَن كانَ يَعذِلُهُ فَقد غَلَبَ الهَوى
وَتَحَكَّمَت بِفُؤادِهِ الإِغلاقُ
3. Leave my heart alone and passion, for it
Is a heart drowned in their love.
٣. خَلّوا فُؤادي وَالغَرامَ فَإِنَّهُ
قَلبٌ لَهُ بِهَواهُم اِستِغراقُ
4. How much coquetry is between the arms of the languid one,
Taken away by the cheeks and eyelids.
٤. كَم بَينَ أَكناف العَذيبِ حشاشَةٌ
ذَهَبَت بِها الوَجناتُ وَالأَحداقُ
5. Whoever the breeze toyed with his braid
His place of departure and cloak complained.
٥. مِن كُلِّ مَن عَبَثَ النَسيمُ بِقَدِّهِ
فَشكا المَجال وِشاحهُ المقلاقُ
6. The love of Hejaz consumed it so its waters
Are a tear and every breeze desires.
٦. شغف الحِجاز بِهِ فَسائِرُ مائِهِ
دَمعٌ وَكُلُّ نِسيمِهِ أَشواقُ
7. O heart, who is harshly blamed in love,
Blame is a burden that can hardly be borne.
٧. يا قَلبُ عَنكَ وَمَن يُعَنَّف في الهَوى
فَاللَومُ عِبءٌ لا يَكادُ يُطاقُ
8. How can one free himself when the eyelids are vigilantes
And with what can one console when the necks are lofty?
٨. كَيفَ التَخَلُّصُ وَالجُفونُ نَواعِسٌ
وَبِما التَسَلّي وَالقَدودُ رِشاقُ
9. And on the solitary hill passion bragged
Of one whose heart has no compassion.
٩. وَعَلى الكَثيبِ الفَرد صَرَّحَ بِالهَوى
مَن لا يَلُمُّ بِقَلبِهِ إِشفاقُ
10. Passion took a pact to her cheek
That my blood over it will always be shed.
١٠. أَخَذَ الهَوى عَهداً عَلَيَّ لِخَدِّهِ
أَن لا يَزال دَمي عَلَيهِ يُراقُ
11. I have no excuse, I treat the doves of the thickets
Like that, such are the lovers.
١١. إِنّي لأ عذرُ في الأَراكِ حَمامَةَ الش
شادي كَذَلِكَ تَفعَلُ العُشّاقُ
12. Passion judged it fully
So she wore shackles around her neck.
١٢. حَكَمَ الغَرامُ الحاجِرِيُّ بِأَسرِها
فَغَدَت وَفي أَعناقِها الأَطواقُ
13. I long to spend an evening in his embrace
Where the descending is soft and the hugging intense.
١٣. أَشتاقُ أَن أُمسي طَعينَ قَوامِهِ
حَيثُ النِزال عَريكَةٌ وَعِناقُ
14. And I love to be bitten by the hornets of his cheek
Knowing that his satisfaction is a healing.
١٤. وَأُحِبُّ تَلسَعُني عَقارِبُ صُدغِهِ
عِلماً بِأَنَّ رُضابَهُ دِرياقُ
15. Woe to him, from the concealment of the attributes of a censured lover
For whom his captive has no hope of release.
١٥. وَيلاهُ مِن خَنسِ الشَمائِلِ أَهيَفٍ
لا يُرتَجى لِأَسيرِهِ إِطلاقُ
16. The night swore that the blackness is his hair
And the dawn that his forehead is the emergence of light.
١٦. حَلَفَ الدُجى أَنَّ الدُجُنَّةَ شعرُهُ
وَالصُبحُ أَنَّ جَبينَهُ الإِشراقُ
17. Since the signs were sent by his cheek
There remains no hypocrisy in the religion of passion.
١٧. مُذ جاءَ بِالآياتِ مُرسَلُ صدغِهِ
لَم يَبقَ في دينِ الغَرامِ نِفاقُ
18. Teeth that shone between the parting of his twist,
So it poured out with its tears the water springs.
١٨. وَسَنىً تَأَلَّقَ بَينَ مُنفَرِجِ اللوى
فَتَساكَبَت بِدُموعِها الآماقُ
19. Passion sent from the tents, oh how
Bags extended to carry them on necks.
١٩. بَعَثَ الغَرامُ مِنَ الخِيامِ فَيا لَها
تُحَفٌ تُمَدُّ لِحَملِها الأَعناقُ
20. O heart, are the people of the dwelling asking
About what the lovers conceal out of passion?
٢٠. يا قَلبُ هَل أَهلُ المُحَصَّبِ سائِلٌ
عَمّا تُجَنُّ مِنَ الهَوى العُشّاقُ
21. Where are the first ones, they were full moons but became
In travel, the towers of happiness erased.
٢١. أَينَ الأولى كانوا البُدور فَأَصبَحَت
في السَيرِ أَبرُجَةَ السُرورِ مَحاقُ
22. They left, neither the twist of separation appeared, which
Is named, nor its leaves, the leaves.
٢٢. رَحَلوا فَلا بان اللوى البانُ الَّذي
يُسَمّى وَلا أَوراقهُ الأَوراقُ
23. By God, which gazelle was torn apart
By the hands of youth and trotting feet driven?
٢٣. لِلَهِ أَيُّ حشاشَةٍ مَزَّ قَتها
بِيَدِ الصَبابَةِ وَالرِكاب تُساقُ
24. When I have no helper but an infatuated heart
The trace of burdens and its tears gushing.
٢٤. إِذ لا مُعيني غَيرَ قَلبٍ والِهٍ
أَثرُ الحَمولِ وَدَمعُهُ مِهراقُ
25. It is lonely for the lovers but the rest of
Lovers is that the yearning one sighs.
٢٥. واوَحشَتاً لِلعاشِقين وراحَةُ ال
عُشّاقِ أَن يَتَأَوَّه المُشتاقُ
26. I did not know before the day of your separation
That the doves are abandonment and separation.
٢٦. ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ قَبلَ يَومِ فِراقُكُم
أَنَّ الحمام قَطيعَةٌ وَفِراقُ