
The time has come for me to complain to you, so you may judge fairly,

قد آن أن أشكو إليك وتنصفا

1. The time has come for me to complain to you, so you may judge fairly,
For you are most deserving to be gentle and show mercy.

١. قَد آنَ أَن أَشكو إِلَيكَ وَتُنصِفا
وَلَأَنتَ أَجدَرُ أَن تَرِقَّ وَتَعطِفا

2. A young man's death is prison, so how much more is separation,
Two calamities that make the slim mountain appear vast.

٢. مَوتُ الفَتى سِجنٌ فَكَيفَ وَفُرقَةٌ
خَطبانِ يوهي منهُما جَلدُ الصَفا

3. My Master, you have cured your enemies with your harshness towards me,
Ask your unfeeling heart about me, has it not yet been satiated?

٣. مَولايَ اِشفَيتَ العِدا بِجَفاكَ لي
سَل قَلبَكَ القاسي عَلَيَّ أَما اِشتفى

4. The slanderers have achieved their goals in plotting against me,
And they have surely fabricated many lies about me to you.

٤. بَلَغَ الوُشاةُ مُناهُمُ في السَعيِ بي
وَلَقَد وَشَوا زوراً إِلَيكَ وَزُخرُفا

5. They said foolishly that I have slipped into an error,
So why am I blamed when my tongue has faltered?

٥. قالوا سَفاهاً قَد هَفَوتَ بِزَلَّةٍ
فَلِما اُلامُ وَلي لِسانٌ قَد هَفا

6. Do not accuse me of an error in loving you,
I have no fault towards you except devotion.

٦. لا تَتَّهِمني في هَواكَ بِزَلَّةٍ
ما كانَ لي ذَنبٌ إِلَيكَ سِوى الوَفا