1. Peace be upon the people of those tents
They are the goal of my questions and my highest hopes
١. سَلامٌ عَلى أَهلِ تِلكَ الخِيام
فَهُم سُؤلُ سُؤلي وَأَقصى المَرام
2. By the right of passion, O breeze of the belt,
Pass by their abode
٢. بِحَقِّ الهَوى يا نَسيمَ الحِزام
عَلى رَسمِ دارِهِم عَرِّجِ
3. And give us news of the lady of the howdah
Oh dove of ardour and ruby,
٣. وَحَيِّ لَنا رَبَّةَ الهَودَجِ
أَلا يا حَمامَ اللِوى وَالعَقيق
4. How long will you lament
I think you are like me, abandoned by the friend
٤. إِلى كَم مِنَ النَوحِ ما تَستَفيق
أَظُنُّكَ مِثلي جَفاكَ الصَديق
5. So for God's sake, sing with a fervent voice
My hope, Suleima, that I aspired to
٥. فَبِاللَهِ غَنّي بِصَوتٍ شَجي
سُلَيمى رَجائي الَّذي اِرتَجى
6. The love of the radiant moon, how much is this wailing
On every fresh and fragrant branch
٦. حُمَيمَةَ البانِ كَم هذا النَحيب
عَلى كُلِّ غُصنٍ وَفَرعٍ رَطيب
7. When will the pouring of a sorrowful heart be revealed
Empty of troubling pain
٧. مَتى بانَ صَبٌّ بقَلبٍ كَئيب
خَلِيٌّ مِنَ الأَلَمِ المُزعِجِ
8. To other than your love he does not aspire
And when the breezes of Iraq came
٨. إِلى غَيرِ حُبِّكَ لا يَلتَجي
وَلَمّا أَتَت نَفَحاتُ العِراق
9. Bringing news of their meeting
I called out from intense yearning
٩. تُخَبِّرُني عَنهُمُ بالتَلاق
فَنادَيتُ مِن لاعِجِ الإِشتِياق
10. Oh she-camels of blessed journey, march on
You have attained my hopes that I aspire to
١٠. أَيا نوقُ طابَ السُرى فَاِدلِجي
بَلَغَت رَجايَ الَّذي أَرتَجي
11. I swore by the one who performed Hajj and Umrah
And circumambulated and touched the Black Stone
١١. حَلَفتُ بِمَن حَجَّ ثُمَّ اِعتَمَر
وَطافَ وَفازَ بِلَثمِ الحَجَر
12. And the one who recited the surahs in the House
You have attained my hopes that I aspire to
١٢. وَمَن كانَ بِالبَيتِ يَتلو السُوَر
لانَت رَجائي الَّذي أَرتَجي
13. And the aspirations of the sorrowful ardent heart
١٣. وَبُغيَةَ قلبِ الكَئيبِ الشَجي