
I am a mosque for Allah, a house of worship,

أنا مسجد لله بيت عبادة

1. I am a mosque for Allah, a house of worship,
Bare of carpets, in me there is no mat.

١. أَنا مَسجِدٌ لِلَهِ بَيتُ عِبادَةٍ
عاري المَلابِسَ لَيسَ فِيَّ حَصيرُ

2. The muezzin has deserted me, and the congregation,
The prayers and glorifications have left me parched and barren.

٢. هَجرَ المُؤذِنُ وَالجَماعَةِ جانِبي
وَجَفانِيَ التَهليلُ وَالتَكبيرُ

3. The candles in the churches are burning bright,
While my courtyard is plunged in dark gloom.

٣. الشَمعُ في رَبعِ الكَنايِسِ مُشعِلٌ
وَفَناءُ رَبعي مُظلِمُ دَيجورُ

4. Yesterday, the Quran reverberated within me,
Today, Satan roams unfettered through my being.

٤. بِالأَمسِ لِلقُرآنِ فِيَّ عَبارَةٌ
وَاليَومَ لِلشَيطانِ فِيَّ عُبورُ

5. Who will convey the burning agony inside me,
That smolders and withers and is blown away?

٥. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي شِكايَةَ مُحرِقٍ
مِنها بِقَلقَلٍ يَذبُلُ وَثَبيرُ

6. O exemplar of Islam, how could you abandon me,
To the whims of the righteous and their neglect?

٦. يا قُدوَةَ الإِسلامِ كَيفَ تَرَكتَني
بِيَدِ الصَلاحِ وَشَأنِهِ التَقصيرُ

7. Attack, attack the unjust enemies with all your might,
For in doing so, you will be rewarded.

٧. صُل صَولَةَ الحَقِّ الحَقودِ عَلَيهِم
وَاِغضَب فَأَنتَ بِذَلِكَ المَأجورُ

8. Shame me, when dishonor passes by me,
So it can be said "This is an abandoned mosque."

٨. وَاِخجَلني وَالذُلُّ حينَ يُمُرُّ بي
فَيُقالُ هَذا مَسجِدٌ مَهجورُ

9. If I were in the hands of the Christians as a church,
Even the straw and the gypsum would weep for me.

٩. لَو كُنتُ في أَيدي النَصارى بَيعَةً
لَبَكى عَلَيَّ القَشُّ وَالساعورُ