
My eyes overflow with tears of your absence

على دمع عيني من فراقك ناظر

1. My eyes overflow with tears of your absence
Glistening as pearls if you do not shed them

١. عَلى دَمعِ عَيني مِن فِراقِكَ ناظِرٌ
يُرَقرِقُهُ إِن لَم تُرِقهُ المَحاجِرُ

2. I would give a quarter of my patience for you, after you it crumbles
Though this is where longing resides prosperously

٢. فَدَيتُكَ رَبعَ الصَبرِ بَعدَكَ دارِسُ
عَلى أَنَّ فيهِ مَنزِلَ الشَوقِ عامِرُ

3. Longing represents you vividly to my sight
So I bow in reverence as if you were present

٣. يُمَثِّلُكَ الشَوقُ الشَديدُ لِناظِري
فأطرِقُ إِجلالاً كَأَنَّك حاضِرُ

4. And fold my passion-scorched wings
Pretending to be oblivious and patient about you

٤. وأطوي عَلى حَرِّ الغَرامِ جَوانِحي
وَأُظهِرُ أَنّي عَنكَ لاهٍ وَصابِرُ

5. I'm astonished by one whose deity is always fire
Yet his cheek was unburnt though an infidel

٥. عَجِبتُ لِخالٍ يَعبُدُ النارَ دائِماً
بِخَدِّكَ لَم يُحرَق بِها وَهوَ كافِرُ

6. More amazing is that your flirtatious glance
Testifies to its signs though a sorcerer

٦. وَأعجَب مِن ذا أن طَرفِكَ مُنذر
يُصَدِّقُ في آياتِهِ وَهوَ ساحِرُ

7. Oh my people, love has shed my blood
Will the avenger arise for the slain of eyes?

٧. أَلا يا لقَومي قَد أَراقَ دَمي الهَوى
فَهَل لِقَتيلِ الأَعيُنِ النَجلُ ثائِرُ

8. Since I was told a branch standing tall
Was no more, I knew for certain my heart had flown

٨. وَمُذ خَبَّروني أَنَّ غُصناً قَوامُهُ
تَيَقَّنتُ أَنَّ القَلبَ مِنّي طائِرُ

9. My eyes delight to see its springs overflowing
When the covers of night enshroud those cheeks

٩. يَروقُ لِعَيني أَن يَفيضَ غَديرُها
إِذا اِنسَدَلَت كَاللَيلِ تِلكَ الغَدائِرُ

10. That cheek grew no herbage, but was rendered green
By the multitude of tears that furrowed it

١٠. وَما اِخضَرَّ ذاكَ الخَدُّ نَبتاً وَإِنَّما
لِكَثرَةِ ما شُقَّت عَلَيهِ المَرائِرُ