
Enamored with passion, exceeding moderation,

مولع بالهوى وفرط التصابي

1. Enamored with passion, exceeding moderation,
He is never free from anguish and melancholy.

١. مُوَلَّعٌ بِالهَوى وَفَرطُ التَصابي
لَيسَ يَخلو مِن لَوعَةٍ وَاِكتِئابِ

2. He sheds every tear, borrowing the blood of his heart,
Beware of parting with loved ones.

٢. أنفَدَ الدَمعَ وَاِستَعارَ دَمَ ال
قَلبِ حذاراً مِن فُرقَةِ الأَحبابِ

3. By my life, everything is easy for him
Except parting with the joys of youth.

٣. وَلَعَمري لَقَد يَهون عَلَيهِ
وكُلُّ شَيءٍ إِلّا فِراقَ الشَبابِ

4. So if you get a chance for pleasure,
Ignite its flints with a flame.

٤. فَإِذا أَمكَنَتكَ فُرصَةُ لَهوٍ
فَاِقتَدِح مِن زِنادِها بِشِهابِ

5. And seize the essence of time, for life,
However long, is but a mirage.

٥. وَتَغَنَّم صَفوُ الزَمانِ فَإِنَّ ال
عُمر إن طالَ لَمعَة مِن سَرابِ

6. Between an outstretched earth of gardens,
And a raised sky of clouds,

٦. بَينَ أَرضٍ مَبسوطَةٍ مِن رِياضٍ
وَسَماءٍ مَرفوعَةٍ مِن سَحابِ

7. And doves cooing melodiously,
In harmony and company.

٧. وَقيانٍ مِنَ الحَمامِ تُغَنّي
بِاِتِّفاقٍ في لَحنِها وَاِصطِحابِ

8. And a pure companion above the turbidity of time,
Free from any doubt or suspicion.

٨. وَنَديمٍ صافٍ عَلى كَدَرِ الدَه
رِ سَليمٍ مِن شُبهَةٍ وَاِرتِيابِ

9. Do not rebuke him with blame, and the worst affection
Is newly created with reproach.

٩. لَم تُعَنِّفهُ بِالمَلامِ وَشَرُّ ال
وُدِّ وُدُّ مُستَحدَث بِعِتابِ

10. Try people, for the loyal friend is rare among them,
And hearts are changeable.

١٠. جَرِّبِ الناسَ فَالصَديقُ قَليلُ
فيهِمُ وَالقُلوبُ ذاتُ اِنقِلابِ