
O you who broke pledges and betrayed,

يا غادرا نقض العهود وخانا

1. O you who broke pledges and betrayed,
This was not how the covenant of lovers used to be.

١. يا غادِراً نَقضَ العُهودَ وَخانا
ما هَكَذا عَهدُ الأَحِبَّةِ كانا

2. Your abandonment, aloofness, and turning away
Did not remain in my heart a single day of loyalty.

٢. لَم يَبقَ هَجرُكَ وَالتَجَنّي وَالقِلا
في القَلبِ يَوماً لِلوَفاءِ مَكانا

3. If other misfortunes besides your abandonment had befallen me,
And I saw in it that which horrifies and subdues,

٣. لَو أَنَّ خَطباً غَيرُ هَجرِكَ مَرَّ بي
وَرَأَيتُ مِنهُ ما يَهولُ لَهانا

4. I would complain of my anguish over you like
A fire, no, burning fires.

٤. أَشكوكَ مِن أَسَفي عَلَيكَ صَبابَة
كَالنارِ لا بَل تَحرِقُ النيرانا

5. I made peace between my pillow and my eyes
When I saw you turning away, angry.

٥. صالَحتُ ما بَينَ السُهّادِ وَناظِري
لَمّا رَأَيتُكَ مُعرِضاً غَضبانا

6. What if the days took for us
One day of terrible separation as security?

٦. ماذا على الأَيّامِ لَو أَخَذَت لَنا
يَوماً مِنَ البَينِ المُشِتِّ أَمانا

7. It would not be a day of separation and anguish
From the bow of his frowning eyebrows an arrow.

٧. لا كانَ يَومٌ بِالقَطيعَةِ وَالقلا
عَن قَوسِ حاجِبشهِ المَسوَدِ رَمانا

8. By God, your phantom visited me,
Stirred up sorrows and excited griefs.

٨. لِلَهِ زَورٌ مِن خَيالِكَ زارَني
بَعَثَ الهُمومَ وَهَيَّجَ الأَحزانا

9. I embraced from it what healed my sickness,
As if I had embraced you awake.

٩. عانَقتُ مِنهُ ما شَفَيتُ بِهِ الجَوى
فَكَأَنَّني عانَقتُهُ يَقظانا