
What is life, if the morning shines

ما العيش إن يبدو وابرامة بارق

1. What is life, if the morning shines
And a specter from Tihama passes by

١. ما العَيشُ إِن يَبدو وابَرامَةَ بارِقٍ
وَيَزورُ طَيفٌ مِن تَهامَةَ طارِقُ

2. Nay, not even pleasures are lasting
The inhabitant turned away and the driver left

٢. كَلّا وَلا اللَذّاتُ رَبعٌ دارِسٌ
وَلّى بِساكِنِهِ وَجَدَّ السائِقُ

3. Life is pure, as if its radiance
Is an ember that ignited and illuminated the dark

٣. العَيشُ صافِيَةٌ كَأَنَّ شُعاعَها
قَبَسٌ تَوَقَّدَ فَاِستَنارَ الغاسِقُ

4. Eminent men throughout the ages prayed over it
And the humble prostrated towards it

٤. صَلّى عَلَيها في الدُيورِ شَهامِسٌ
وَهَوى إِلَيها بِالسُجودِ جَثالِقُ

5. Why do I care for carnelian and musk
The shedding of carnelian and shedding of musk are free

٥. ما لي وَآرام العَقيق وَرامَةٍ
ريمُ العَقيقِ وَريمُ رامَة طالِقُ

6. An unmarried girl who has not marred the rest of a reveler
Since she has always been a virgin with large dark eyes

٦. عَذراءُ ما عَقَرَت بِراحَةِ شارِبٍ
مُذ حَيثُ كانَت فَهيَ بكرٌ عاتِقُ

7. Whoever loves sober Najd passionately
I am a lover of wine

٧. مَن كانَ ذاوَلَهٍ بِنَجدٍ عاشِقاً
كَلِفاً فَإِنّي لِلمدامَةِ عاشِقُ

8. Foolish is the opinion of a youth who spends the night without
A precedent in the arena of predawn darkness

٨. سَفَهاً لِرَأيِ فَتىً يَبيتُ وَما لَهُ
في حَلبَةِ الصَهباءِ طَرقٌ سابِقُ

9. Especially since an army of patience has been assigned
Pavilions above the soft meadows

٩. سيما وَجَيشُ الصَبرِ قَد ضُرِبَت لَهُ
فَوقَ الرِياضِ المونِقاتِ سُرادِقُ

10. And the spring has beauties over time
With it the heart of joy is a swollen torrent

١٠. وَعَلى الزَمانِ مِنَ الرَبيعِ مَحاسِنٌ
قَلبُ السُرورِ بِها كَثيبٌ وامِقُ

11. O you who drink sobriety, avail yourself
Of an ornamented land and a gushing water

١١. يا شارِبَ الصَهباءِ دونَكَ فَاِنتَهِز
أَرضٌ مُزَخرَفَةٌ وَماء دافِقُ

12. And regiments of delicate flowers are battalions
Raised on its branches are trellised pavilions

١٢. وَعَساكِر الزَهرِ النَضير كَتائِبٌ
رُفِعَت عَلَيهِ مِنَ الغُصونِ صَناجِقُ

13. And birds trill in the branches as if
They are returning melodies and passionate love songs

١٣. وَالطَيرُ تَصدَحُ في الغُصونِ كَأَنَّها
تَرجيعُ أَلحانٍ وَصَبٍ شائِقُ