
O monastery, abode of rubies, you were watered with life

سقيت الحيا يا دير ياقوت منزلا

1. O monastery, abode of rubies, you were watered with life
And your roses' nectar still flows fresh and chained

١. سُقيتَ الحَيا يا دَيرَ ياقوتَ مَنزِلاً
وَلا زال عَذباً وَردُ مائِكَ سَلسَلا

2. The fringes of perfume trailed over your meads
Parted by the hands of breathing, like a scarf

٢. وَجرَّت عَلى مَغناكَ أَذيال نَفحَةٍ
تُفَتِّقُها أَيدي التَنَفُّسِ مَندِلا

3. The days of youth within you passed with their sweets
No time was more blissful and beautiful

٣. زَمانُ الصِبا فيكَ اِنقَضَت طَيِّباتُهُ
فَما كانَ أهناهُ زَماناً وَأَجمَلا

4. I remembered you and my tears poured in sorrow
It is right for my tears to flow and neglect all else

٤. ذَكَرتُكَ فَاِنهَلَّت دُموعي تَأَسُّفاً
وَحُقَّ للدَمعي أَن يَجودَ وَيَهمِلا