
They said one day to his cheek, "You are not endowed with beauty

قيل يوما لخده لست في الحس

1. They said one day to his cheek, "You are not endowed with beauty
To be a prophet guiding all mankind

١. قيلَ يَوماً لِخَدِّهِ لَستَ في الحُس
نِ نَبِيّاً تَهدي جَميعَ الناسا

2. We have not seen you reveal anything but roses
Show us a miracle," and he displayed sorrow

٢. مارَأَيناكَ مُظهِراً غَيرَ وَردٍ
أَرِنا مُعجِزاً فَأَبدى الآسا