
Grant me a transgression by which the foot has slipped,

هب لي جناية ما زلت به القدم

1. Grant me a transgression by which the foot has slipped,
The servants desire forgiveness in it.

١. هَب لي جِنايَةً ما زَلَّت بِهِ القَدَمُ
في العَفوِ تَطمَعُ ساداتُها الخَدَمُ

2. The recompense of the sinner is enough for his touch,
Excess regret when regret does not benefit.

٢. حَسبُ المُسيءِ جَزاءً عَن لَمَساتِهِ
فَرطُ النَدامَةِ إِذ لا يَنفَعُ النَدَمُ

3. I have done what anger dictates, being able,
So where is what clemency and generosity dictate?

٣. فَعَلتُ ما يَقتضيهِ السُخطُ مُقتَدِراً
فَأَينَ ما يَقتَضيهِ الحِلمُ وَالكَرَمُ

4. Far be it from your traits, which are beautiful,
That a sinner would disturb them.

٤. حاشا خَلائِقُكَ اللاتي مَحاسِنُها
ما إِن يُكَدِّرُها بِالذَنبِ مُجتَرِمُ

5. After my misery and hardship, no harm
Hurts me that bewilders wounds and grudges.

٥. ما بَعدَ ما بِيَ مِن بُؤسٍ وَمَسكَنَةٍ
ضُرٌّ يَحارُ لَهُ الأَجراحُ وَالنَقَمُ

6. I am amazed at the delay of your kindness towards me
While you are towards me the adversary and the judge.

٦. إِنّي لَأَعجَبُ مِن إِبطاءِ عَطفِكَ بي
وَأَنتَ لي وَعَلَيَّ الخَصمُ وَالحِكَمُ

7. I spent my youth playing in the shade of your door,
So it is shameful that you make me suffer destruction.

٧. في ظِلِّ بابِكَ أَفنَيتُ الصِبا مَرَحاً
فَحاشَ لِلَهِ أَن تَشقي بِكَ الهَدمُ

8. You clothed me with beautiful traits,
When bounties from it ceased, bounties came.

٨. وَأَنتَ البَستَني الحُسني مُخَوَّلَةً
إِذا اِنقَضَت نِعَمٌ منها أَتَت نِعَمُ

9. You made me grow in gardens within me,
Their blossoms smiling with ripe fruits.

٩. وَأَنتَ أَنبَتَّ عودي في رِياضٍ مِنّي
نَوّارُها بِثِمارِ الغَيدِ مُبتَسِمُ

10. So if you kill me, you are the master of your servant,
And if you bestow, such is the custom and propriety.

١٠. فَإِن قَتَلتَ فَعَبدٌ أَنتَ مالِكُه
وَإِن مَنَنتَ فَتِلكَ العادُ وَالشِيَمُ