1. The son of Sham'un is certainly a righteous judge
Who rules justly over this land
١. طِبُّ اِبنُ شَمعونٍ بِلا ريبَةٍ
حكمٌ عَلى هَذا الوَرى يَقضي
2. Never again will he who has faults
Exist on this earth
٢. ما عادَ يَوماً مَن بِهِ عِلَّةٌ
وَعادَ مَوجوداً عَلى الأَرضِ
3. He walks while Azrael follows behind
With sleeves rolled up, ready to seize
٣. يَمشي وَعَزرائيلُ مِن خَلفِهِ
مُشَمِّرَ الأَردانِ لِلقَبضِ