
When your letter arrived I ransomed it, to thank you through my lines

لما وردت فديتها أسطركم

1. When your letter arrived I ransomed it, to thank you through my lines
I sent its reply so I may thank you

١. لَمّا وَرَدَت فَدَيتُها أَسطُرُكُم
أَرسَلتُ جَوابَها لِكَي أَشكُرُكُم

2. If I were able, I would have sent along with my script
My eyes, so perhaps for an hour they may look upon you

٢. لَو أَمكَنَني بَعَثتُ مَع خَطِّ يَدي
عَيني فَلَعَلَّ ساعَةً تَنظُرُكُم