1. Say to the pillar of religion, of excellence and glory,
The words of a critic against him, should they transgress:
١. أَلا قُل لِرُكنِ الدينِ ذي الفَضلِ وَالحَجا
مَقالَةَ غَيرانٍ عَلَيهِ إِذا زالا
2. "Worthless rubbish to him, neither worthy nor eminent,
With neither sense nor wisdom, neither origin nor root.
٢. زُبالَة لا بَأسٌ لَدَيهِ وَلا نَدى
بِنَيلٍ وَلا رَأياً لَدَيهِ وَلا أَصلا
3. Do you not see that a man is known always
By his companion? So avoid the fool and ignoble.
٣. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ المَرءَ يُعرَفُ دائِماً
بِصاحِبِهِ فَاِبعِد بِهِ صاعِباً نَدلا
4. I knew you inclined toward goodness - what has appeared to you
That you judge by garbage?"
٤. عَهِدتُكَ مَيّالاً إِلى الطيبِ ما الَّذي
بَدا لَكَ حَتّى صِرتَ تَحتَكِمُ الزَبَلا