
An idol upon which the polish of youth still shines

صنم عليه من الملاحة رونق

1. An idol upon which the polish of youth still shines
Fresh as the water of youth, cheeks still rosy

١. صَنَمٌ عَلَيهِ مِنَ المَلاحَةِ رَونَقُ
رَيّانُ مِن ماءِ الشَبابِ مُقَرطَقِ

2. His neck straight as a spear, deadly to the foe
But his blue-eyed gaze is gentle

٢. كَالرُمحِ فَتّاكَ الطَعينَةَ قَدُّهُ
لَكِنَّ ناظِرَهُ السِنانُ الأَزرَقُ

3. His pleasure faded and life grew cold
Clear and simple though torn by events

٣. نادَمتُهُ وَالعَيشُ بَردَ نَعيمِهِ
صافٍ وَشَمل الحادِثاتِ مُمَزَّقُ

4. The cup in his hand passed around while between us
Reproaches that made the ears burn

٤. وَالكَأسُ في يَدِهِ تُدارُ وَبَينَنا
عَتبٌ تَكادُ لَهُ المَسامِعُ تُشرِقُ

5. On a night when time was kind
A night whose nearness was fragrant

٥. في لَيلَةٍ سَمَحَ الزَمانُ بِطيبِها
لَيلاً وَنَشرُ القُربِ مِنها يَعبِقُ

6. Never before had I enjoyed such bliss
As if all wishing was made real

٦. ما خِلتُ قَبلَ تَمَتُّعي بِنَعيمِها
أَنَّ اِعتِراضاتِ الأَماني تُصَدَّقُ

7. Praise God for such sweet incense I offered up
Before the bright dawn could embitter it

٧. لِلَهِ أَيُّ لُبانَةٍ قَضَّيتُها
لَو لَم يُنَغِّصها الصَباحُ المُشرِقُ

8. By my father and mother, if I reproached him
I knew not what words I could speak

٨. بِأَبي وَأُمّي مَن إِذا عاتَبتُهُ
لَم أَدرِ مِن وَلَهٍ بِماذا أَنطِقُ

9. The son of Muqla had no quivering dotted sad
Nor a nuun like my eyebrows, lined and flexed

٩. ما لِاِبنِ مُقلَةَ صاد مُقلَتِهِ وَلا
نونٌ كَنونيْ حاجِبَيهِ مُعَرَّقُ

10. On his cheek the laam of excuse was marked
But the waw of his temple still hung

١٠. لامُ العِذارِ مُحَقَّقٌ في خَدِّهِ
لَكِنَّ واوَ الصدغِ مِنهُ مُعَلَّقُ

11. Between the unsheathed swords and his glance
A pact to refrain from shedding blood was sealed

١١. بَينَ السُيوفِ المُرهَفاتِ وَلَحظِه
عَهدٌ عَلى سَفكِ الدِماءِ وَمَوثِقُ