1. You departed from the tribe of blacksmiths, moving
From them to a paradise that kept your body for them.
١. فارَقتَ ربعَ بني الحدَّادِ مُنتقِلاً
عَنهُمْ إلى جنَّةٍ أبقَتْ لهم جَسَدكْ
2. It was said: "Stop in the middle of a house where they memorialized you,
And look, O Thomas, with your eyes and extend your hand."
٢. فقيلَ قِفْ وَسْطَ دارٍ أرَّخوكَ بها
وانظُرْ بعينكَ يا توما ومُدَّ يَدَكْ