
She came to me without promise, the veils already lifted

أتتني بلا وعد وقد نضت الحجبا

1. She came to me without promise, the veils already lifted,
So here is the sweetest flower refreshing the morning;

١. أتَتْني بلا وَعدٍ وقد نَضَتِ الحُجْبا
فهاتيكَ أحلَى زَورةٍ تَنعَشُ الصَّبا

2. I gave her my eyes and heart as a gift,
And my eyes became hers while my heart became his.

٢. بَذَلتُ لها عَيني وقَلبي كَرامةً
فصارَتْ لها عيناً وصارَتْ لهُ قَلْبا

3. Drenched in musk, sweet lipped,
Smooth cheeked, she pours but is not poured on.

٣. مضمَّخةٌ بالمِسكِ مَعسولةُ اللَمَى
مُنعّمةُ الخَديَّنِ تُصبي ولا تُصبَى

4. When she visits I say "welcome!"
How nice if she found a spacious house!

٤. أقولُ لها عِندَ الزِّيارةِ مَرْحباً
ويا حَبَّذا لو صادَفَتْ منزِلاً رَحْبا

5. We were brought together by a flirtatious damsel-
A lad who gained the wisdom of age before his youth.

٥. حَبانا بها عَذاراءَ مُتْرَفةَ الصِّبَى
فتىً نالَ حِلمَ الشَيخِ من قبلِ أنْ شَبَّا

6. She praised us with praise she did not mean sincerely
And is angered if we say "you have spoken lies!"

٦. أتَتْنا بمدحٍ لم تَكُنْ صَدَقَتْ بهِ
وتَغضَبُ إنْ قُلنا لقد نَطَقَتْ كِذْبا

7. Al-Tiradi has outdone the clan - more fortunate is As'ad
In winning the race to the finish he seized by force.

٧. لَقد سَبَقَ القَومَ الطِراديُّ أسَعدٌ
إلى قَصَبِ السَبْقِ الذي حازَهُ غَصْبا

8. He took up the art of poetry before studying it
And tackled meanings before reading books.

٨. تَلَقَّفَ فَنَّ الشِّعرِ من قبلِ دَرسِهِ
وخاضَ المعاني قبلَ أنْ يَقرأ الكُتْبا

9. He defeats me with poetry which escaped from my hand
As my greys have flowed over my temple.

٩. يُطارِحُني الشِّعرَ الذي فَرَّ من يدي
وقد سَلَّ شَيْبي فوقَ مَفْرِقِهِ عَضْبا

10. When a man's head turns white, greyness inevitably
Pursues his resolve until it is pillowed by dust.

١٠. إذا شابَ رأسُ المَرْءِ فالشَّيبُ لاحقٌ
بِهِمَّتِهِ حَتَّى يُوسِّدَها التُرْبا

11. May God preserve the days of youth, for they
Are a branch of life which was moist and upright.

١١. رَعَى اللهُ أيَّامَ الصَباءِ فإنَّها
منَ العَيشِ غُصنٌ كانَ مُعتَدِلاً رَطْبا

12. Not everyone with a soul is truly alive,
So one who lives in sorrow is as one already dead.

١٢. وما كلُّ ذي رُوحٍ بحَيٍّ حقيقةً
فَمنْ عاشَ في نَحْبٍ كَمنْ قد قَضَى نَحْبا

13. The clouds watered the son of Abu Khayr, for he
Is the bounty whose rising we beseech for rain.

١٣. سَقَى ابنَ أبي الخَيرِ السَّحابُ فإنَّهُ
هُوَ الخيرُ نَستَسقِي بطَلْعتِهِ السُّحْبا

14. When we contemplate the beauty of his qualities
We see wonders in him but no conceit.

١٤. إذا ما تأمَّلْنا جمالَ صِفاتِهِ
نَرَى عَجَباً فيهِ وليسَ نَرَى عُجْبا

15. Among the people there were many envious of his superiority
But by my life, we never blamed them for sin!

١٥. لَقد كَثُرَتْ في النَّاسِ حُسَّادُ فضلِهِ
ولكنْ لَعَمري ما حَسِبنا لَهُمْ ذَنْبا

16. It is right that the youth be envied for what he attained
And what do the envious ones matter? No reproach!

١٦. على مِثلِ ما قد نالَهُ يُحسَدُ الفَتَى
وماذا يَضُرُّ الحاسدُونَ فلا عَتْبا

17. When the Bountiful God obliges blessings on His slave
Who then has the power to wrest it from him?

١٧. إذا أوجَبَ اللهُ الكريمُ لعبدِهِ
عَطاءً فمَنْ ذا يَستطيعُ لهُ سَلْبا