
The flowers smile, radiating light from their buds

الزهر تبسم نورا عن أقاحيها

1. The flowers smile, radiating light from their buds,
When the dawn clouds cry over their weeping ones.

١. الزهرُ تَبسِمُ نُوراً عن أقاحيها
إذا بكى من سحابِ الفَجْرِ باكيها

2. The light of the buds which is not shy
Of health and purity, glorifying their creator.

٢. نورُ الأقاحي الذي ما بالحياءِ بهِ
من صِحَّةٍ وصَفاءٍ عَزَّ مُنشيها

3. Those meadows for Layla - where is their courtyard
Safe from those who seek it and the swords of the Arabs protect it?

٣. تلكَ الرُبوعُ لليلى أينَ مَربَعُها
عن قصدِهِ وسُيوفُ العُرْبِ تَحْميها

4. Blood is harvested on the livers as prayers
Blessed is God - how sweet is their harvest!

٤. أدماءُ تَجْني على الأكباد مُصليةً
تَبارَكَ اللهُ ما أحلَى تَجَنّيها

5. Layla has the passion of Qays in her love
So his poetry is madness that has possessed him through her.

٥. ليْلَى ولي شَوقُ قيسٍ في محبّتها
فشِعرهُ فجُنونٌ شابَهُ فيها

6. A cheek mole for her - her uncle is a rose that appears a sanctuary
In a cheek that is protected from those who would court her.

٦. خالٌ لها عَمَّهُ وَرْدٌ بَدا حَرَماً
في وَجنةٍ حُمِيَتْ عمَّن يُدانيها

7. For God - her black eyelashes hunt
The hearts of those who love her and her earrings are their shepherd.

٧. للهِ مُقلَتُها السوداءُ صائدةً
قُلوبَ عُشّاقها والقُرطُ راعيها

8. My people said, slow down for you have fallen ill from love
So I said, wait - my healing is from her sobbing.

٨. يقول قومي رُويداً قد سَقِمتَ هوىً
فقُلتُ مَهْلاً شفائي من نواحيها

9. Perhaps a gentle breeze from her tresses would come
To blow life into my soul and heal it.

٩. لعلَّ صافي نسيمٍ من خَمائلها
أتَى يَهُبُّ على رُوحي فيشفيها

10. And I have soft nights in purity that
Dawn of meeting has weakened - not her nights.

١٠. وبي رِقاقُ ليالٍ في النقاءِ وَفَت
بِيضُ اللّقاءِ فما أهَنى لياليها

11. In a paradise - its maidens blossom for us and in it
If eternity was perfected in its terraces.

١١. في جَنَّةٍ حُوْرُها تزهو بنا وبها
لو كان يصفو خُلودٌ في روابيها

12. The memory of her shakes me with passion so I make it
A wound - and my soul sees it from my sides.

١٢. يَهُزُّني ذِكرُها وجداً فأَعْلَمُهُ
جُرحاً ورُوحي تراهُ من مجَانيها

13. I was wrong to conceal my love and passion - how can it
Have a cover when my tears have collapsed and betrayed it?

١٣. أسأتُ كتمَ الهوى والصَبُّ كيف لهُ
سِترٌ وأدمُعُهُ قد هلَّ واشيها

14. Love is not hidden from its repeller
So how can its publisher conceal and disguise it?

١٤. ليسَ الهوى بخفيٍّ عندَ رادِعِهِ
فكيفَ ناشرُهُ يَطْويِهِ تمويها

15. I entrust God with patience - I do not practice it
And an infatuation I do not protect.

١٥. استودعُ اللهَ صبراً ما أُمارِسُهُ
ومُهجةً عن حِسانٍ لَسْتُ أَحميها

16. Passion, suffering, and blame to me are good - my blood
I feel secretive in spending it in the alley of my family.

١٦. طاب الهوى والضنى واللَومُ لي فدَمِي
أُسَرُّ في بذلِهِ في حيِّ أَهليها

17. That poured misery into passion - if not for you provoking it.
If you pardon voluntarily then pardon is more beloved to me

١٧. لَبَّيكَ يا لحظَها الجاني على كَبِدٍ
سالتْ أسىً في الهَوَى لولا تأَسِّيها

18. Or else - the basil of my soul is in your service.
I wish youth would return to me after old age

١٨. إنْ تعفُ طوعاً فإنّ العفوَ لي أرَبٌ
أو لا فرَيحانُ رُوحي في تَفانيها

19. On the condition of loyalty - it is from its manifestations.
An unmarried lady does not appear alive

١٩. ليتَ الصِبا عاد لي بعد المَشيبِ على
شرطِ الوفا وهْوَ مِن تجلّيها

20. Until even the stars - she does not face.
Grace worked for her and humiliation for me always

٢٠. بِكرٌ محجَّبةٌ لا تنجلي لحياً
حتى من النَجمِ حتّى ما يُلاقيها

21. And the cup of my roses did not please through her courting.
My tear and her smile - the precious pearl - an echo

٢١. راقَ الدَّلالُ لها والذُلُّ لي أبَداً
ولم يَرُقْ كأْسُ وردي من تدانيها

22. To my infatuation - so with patience of the heart I water it.
When she saw my serious and overwhelming passion for her

٢٢. دمعي ومَبِسمُها الدُّرُّ الثمينُ صدىً
لمُهجتي فبصَبرِ القلبِ أُرْويها

23. She stood with the marking of jest - her eyes wandering.
The ignorant assumed love is easy without effort -

٢٣. لمّا رأت جِدَّ وَجْدي في محبَّتها
قامت بسيماءِ هَزْلٍ عينُها تِيها

24. Wait! For he has gone astray out of ignorance or blinded.
It is provoked by the flirtation of an eye - its weaver comes

٢٤. ظنَّ الجَهُولُ الهَوَى سَهْلاً لوالجِهِ
مَهْلاً فقد تاهَ جهلاً أو عَمِي تِيها

25. To knit the yarn of sorrow - an abyss for those who love it.
Indeed - the eyes which their charm appeared

٢٥. يَهيجُهُ غزلُ عينٍ جاءَ حائكُهُ
يَحُوكُ بُرْدَ الضنَى حَلْياً لهاويها

26. Have a concealment of meanings - we do not know them.
Spells - its arcane symbolism arises

٢٦. إنَّ العُيونَ التي بانت لَطائفُها
لها خَفاءُ معانٍ ليسَ نَدريها

27. Its forms in lines - perplexing its reader.
A composer composing a melody in the appearance of mourning - in order

٢٧. طلاسمٌ سحرُها المرموزُ طالعةٌ
أَشكالُهُ في سُطورٍ حارَ قاريها

28. To bring out grief over those killed from her terraces.
The robbers, the weeping mourners, the crying ones - for they

٢٨. لواحظٌ لُحْنَ في زِيِّ الحِدادِ لِكَي
يُبرِزنَ حُزناً على قَتْلَى رواميها

29. Have restrained the minds of the lands from their meanings.
If not for a blackness she has - my hair would not whiten from

٢٩. الناهباتُ البواكي المبكياتُ فقد
كَفّت عقولُ البرايا عن معانيها

30. My age - nor would my tears redden from her accord.
The beloved of beauty - from the rules of her state -

٣٠. لولا سَوادٌ لها ما أبيضَّ فَوْدِيَ عن
شَيبي ولا احمرَّ دمعي من تهاديهَا

31. Is that humiliation is harvested for ages by those who befriend her.
All wounds - medicine heals them except

٣١. عزيزةُ الحُسن من أحكام دولتِهِ
أنْ يجنيَ الذُلَّ دهراً من يُواليها

32. For her wounds - where they have healed them.
To the eyes which in their gaze is fascination -

٣٢. كلُّ الجراحاتِ مُشفيها الدواءُ سِوَى
جِراحِها أينَ حلَّت فَهيَ مُشفيها

33. The legacy of caring tenderly for those who love her.
Woe to whoever turns crookedly from her - a disease which

٣٣. إلى العُيونِ التي في طرفها حَوَرٌ
عَهدُ الرِعايةِ رِقّاً من مُحبيّها

34. We did not heal from the ransom of her protectors.
My soul and my eyes are ransom for a pure eye

٣٤. ويلاهُ من زَيْغها داءً نطيبُ بهِ
فلا شُفينا بِعتقٍ من دياجيها

35. And an infatuation which I would sacrifice myself for.
She is the beautiful - but between her lover

٣٥. رُوحي وعيني فِدَى عينٍ مُطهَّرةٍ
ومُهجةٍ للّتي بالنَّفسِ أفديها

36. And patience there is ugly injustice from her estrangement.
Time is lost and passion grew long and I sorrow

٣٦. فَهْيَ الجميلةُ لكن بين عاشقها
والصبرِ جورٌ قبيحٌ من تجافيها

37. Nor did my race shorten in her harmony.
Her reproach drew me nearer so I turned away

٣٧. ضاعَ الزمانُ وطالَ الوجدُ وا أَسفي
ولم يقصِّرْ سباقي في تصابيها

38. And she blamed me for something that came from her.
For old age the most beneficial remedy in a youth is news

٣٨. أشابَني عَتْبُها قُرباً فأزهَدَها
وعَيَّرتْني بشيءٍ جاءَ من فِيها

39. Warning and alerting him.
A head which sleeping youth shackles in vain

٣٩. للشَيْبِ أنفعُ طِبٍ في الفتى نَبَأً
بما يوافي وترهيباً وتنبيها

40. With the bond of a curling hair sleeping it.
A life - long in fear - most just for it

٤٠. رأسٌ يُصفِّدُهُ نامي الصِبا عَبَثاً
بأَدهمِ الشَعْرةِ النَدّابِ ناميها

41. Is what shortens the self nearer to its Creator.
The lightning of wishes is amiss - unless rarely

٤١. عيشٌ قصيرٌ طويل الرُّعبِ أعدَلُهُ
ما يَقصُرُ النفسَ قُرباً نحوَ باريها

42. A satisfied eye watches it wishfully entertaining it.
And the people - some desire what is destined

٤٢. برقُ المُنى خُلَّبٌ إلا أقلَّ حِبَىً
تَقِرُّ عَينٌ بهِ رَصدْاً يُسلّيها

43. While phrases preoccupy others - calling them.
I seek refuge in God from knowledge without action

٤٣. والناس من يشتهي ما المطلُ حاصلُهُ
ومن تفيهِ عِدَاتٌ نام داعيها

44. And the reform of a soul which exhausted its shepherd.
Obstinacies that stopped me - I do not obey them

٤٤. أعوذ بالله من علمٍ بلا عملٍ
ومن تَدارُكِ نفسٍ كَلَّ راعيها

45. Nor does my weakness liking to oppose them.
The fire is permitted for her sake instead of dishonor in lands

٤٥. لَوَّامةٌ أوقفتني لا أُطاوعُها
ولا يُحبِّبُ ضُعفِي أنْ أُعاصيها

46. From her enviers - in an earth that flowed with its rivers.
Leave me and what is in me - is there blame upon me in it?

٤٦. حَلَت لها النّارُ دُونَ العارِ في دُوَلٍ
من حاسديها بأَرضٍ سالَ واديها

47. And has she not filled and wearied from my enemies?
Do not stand still, O honorable people of the neighborhood

٤٧. ذَرْني وما بيَ هل لَومٌ عليَّ بها
وقد مُلئِتُ ومَلَّتْ من أعاديها

48. Nor be frightened by decay that eroded its cure.
When all the tribulations descended

٤٨. رِماحَكم يا كرامَ الحيِّ لا تَقِفوا
ولا تَرُعْكُم بِلىً جَدَّت دواهيها

49. From the world - the fire of Abraham destroys them.
A fire and a light - when war said to it

٤٩. كُلُّ البلايا من الدُنيا مَتَى نَزَلَتْ
بنا فنِيرانُ إبراهيمَ تُفنيها

50. And altruism - bring forth a hand - none matched it.
He built from glory a house without pillars

٥٠. نارٌ ونُورٌ متى قال النِّزالُ لهُ
والجُودُ هاتِ يداً لم يُلقَ ثانيها

51. Except channels - their buildings glorified it.
Al-Lu`ayy the dear, the courageous, the king who does not

٥١. بَنَى من العِزِّ بيتاً دُونَ أعمدةٍ
سِوَى قَناةٍ لهُ عَزّتْ مبانيها

52. Retreat, the conqueror checked the ascent of misguidance.
For the sword, the spear, and the pens were born

٥٢. اللوذعيُّ العزيزُ الباسلُ المَلِكُ ال
غازي المَلا بِيَدٍ حَسْبي أياديها

53. His palms and for questioning - surpassing them.
A threatening, estimable, glorious, and eminent conqueror

٥٣. للسيفِ والرُمحِ والأقلامِ قد وُلِدَتْ
راحاتُهُ ولِسُؤَّالٍ تفاجيها

54. Pure traits - precious soul - his self flourishing.
His words are sermons - his deeds are meteors

٥٤. غازٍ مَهيبٌ حسيبٌ ماجدٌ نَجِبٌ
صافي الصِفاتِ نفيسُ النفسِ زاكيها

55. His opinions - rods protected by God.
He revived praise deserving belonging surrendering

٥٥. أقوالُهُ خُطَبٌ أفعالُهُ شُهُبٌ
آراؤهُ قُضُبٌ باللهِ حاميها

56. Are not his properties spent while immortalizing them?
And he repealed whatever passed of the justice of the companions without

٥٦. أحيى المحامدَ مُفداةً مُسلِّمةً
أليسَ أموالُهُ تَفنى وتُبقيها

57. Indulging in vanities or wines or partaking in them.
Puller of the reins of horses - violence permits their flank

٥٧. وَردَّ ما مرَّ من عَدلِ الصَحابةِ لا
يلهو بزَهرٍ ولا خمرٍ يُعاطيها

58. And victory and death equitably between their hands.
Ask the people of Acre when its east glowed red

٥٨. جَرَّارُ خيلٍ يَحِلُّ البأسُ جانِبَها
والفتحُ والحتفُ عَدلاً بين أيديها

59. And Greater Syria and the Turks when its sanctuary blackened.
The servant of al-Khalil to the servant of God became through it

٥٩. سَلْ قومَ عكاءَ حِينَ اربَدَّ مشرِقُها
والشأمَ والتُركَ لمَّا اسودَّ ناديها

60. A name - and resembled his name - rested their names.
He tread the countries by God's permission - breaking them

٦٠. عبدُ الخليلِ لعبد اللهِ صارَ بها
إسما وشبهَ اسمهِ راحت أساميها

61. And the swords were broken forcibly from their scabbards.
His companies charged with warriors in their domination

٦١. داسَ البلادَ بإذن اللهِ يكسِرها
وتَكسِرُ السيفَ نَزْعاً من نَواصيها

62. Remaining loyal and wearing out those who opposed them.
I loved the game of one whose ambition tells of history

٦٢. ماجت سراياهُ أبطالاً بسَطْوتها
تُبقي وفيّاً وتُبلي مَن يُعاديها

63. But when harm retreated from one who resembled them.
Far from the examples - without equal for him

٦٣. أحبِبْ بأصيَدَ تحكي الدَّهرَ همَّتُهُ
لكن متى نابَ شرٌّ مَن يحاكيها

64. So praise that came does not resemble him.
It is he who the pilgrimage of the People of the House came through

٦٤. بعيدُ قدْرٍ عن الأمثالِ ليسَ لهُ
شبهٌ فما مَدحُهُ ما جاءَ تَشبيها

65. After going - clear ways - their returns.
The Sa`udi wandered misguided and Wahhab of darkness so

٦٥. هوَ الذي حجُّ آلِ البيتِ جاءَ بهِ
بعدَ الذَّهابِ جَلِيِّ الطُرْقِ جاليها

66. None guided him except by the lightning of the white banner.
Messenger of truth - descended fighting - his way

٦٦. ضلَّ السُعوديُّ وَهَّابُ السوادِ فما
أهداهُ إلاَّ ببرْقِ البيض واليها

67. And his duty seriousness in advising it.
He wanted the Hijaz and the black slaves then threw

٦٧. رَسولُ حَقٍّ نِزالُ الحربِ سُنَّتهُ
وفَرْضُهُ الجِدُّ بالجَدْوى يُواليها

68. In it fighting and supplied the Romans throwing them.
God is the greatest - this is the state of one who sat

٦٨. رامَ الحجازَ وسُودَ الزّنجِ ثمَّ رَمَى
فيها القِتالَ وأمَّ الرُومَ يَرْميها

69. Days atop the saddles of horses - bloodying them.
And praise to God - his early mornings do not

٦٩. اللهُ أكبرُ هذا حالُ مَنْ جَلَسَ ال
أَيَّامَ فوقَ سُروجِ الخيلِ يُدميها

70. Fall short in what he stands up or limits his efforts.
Victorious in calling and soldiers - victory near him supports him

٧٠. والحمدُ للهِ لم تَقصُرْ بواكرُهُ
في ما يقوُمُ ولم تُحصرْ مساعيها

71. Based on kindness harmonizing them.
He counted wishes, activity, resolve, and generosity without

٧١. غَلاَّبُ نادٍ وأجنادٍ يُعاهِدُهُ
نصرٌ قريبٌ على لُطفٍ يماشيها

72. Drowsiness - and signs of justice I do not enumerate them.
Ruin does not befall Egypt while he abandons it

٧٢. أحصى المُنى والثَّنا والحَزْمَ والكَرَمَ ال
أسنى وآياتِ عدلٍ لَستُ أُحصيها

73. A worry - so the altruism of his hands came enriching it.
A sea, a moon, and a lion - his command cannot be

٧٣. لا أعقَبَ الويلُ مِصراً وَهْوَ تارِكُها
همّاً فجُودُ يَديهِ جاءَ يُغنيها

74. Repelled - and strife glorifying its Creator.
Father of victories - mother of war - burning it

٧٤. بحرٌ وبدرٌ وليثٌ لا يُرَدُّ لهُ
أَمرٌ وصَمْصامةٌ سبحانَ باريها

75. Sultan of the land of Arab righteousness protecting it.
To him countries with the selves of servants due to what

٧٥. أبو الفُتوحاتِ أُمُّ الحربِ طاهيها
سُلطانُ ساحاتِ بَرِّ العُرْبِ واقيها

76. Immortalized the hills through what surrounded their peripheries.
Muhammadian `Ali - his status broke

٧٦. لهُ البلادُ بأشخاصِ العبادِ بما
أبقَى التِلادُ بما حاطت أقاصيها

77. The awe of misfortune - from a name of his coming to it.
O day of `Uthman - only then did its early morning lock up

٧٧. محمَّديٌّ عليٌّ شأْنُهُ كُسِرَتْ
طوارقُ الرَوع باسمٍ منهُ يأتيها

78. Except preparations while fleeing their courtyards.
A foot slipped with him - came walking with him

٧٨. يا يومَ عُثمانَ لم يَقفُلْ بباكرِهِ
إلاَّ حفايا ظُعونٍ وَهْوَ حاديها

79. So he repelled it from a hand and victory followed it.
The sword of the sultan of Egypt has awe - lives

٧٩. زَلَّت به قَدَمٌ جاءَت بهِ مَرَحاً
فرَدّها عن يدٍ والنَّصرُ تاليها

80. The countries - O sword of conqueror raiding them!
You surpassed favor - that you are the world and its conqueror

٨٠. لسيفِ سُلطانِ مصرٍ هَيبةٌ لقِيَ ال
بلادَ حيٌّ بها يا سَيفَ غازيها

81. Happy days - and its ruler truly - and its judge!
O opener of the high continuous dew and verdure office

٨١. فاقَ الثَّنا أنَّكَ الدُّنيا وقاهِرُها
سعداً وحاكمُها حقاً وقاضيها

82. Upon reverberation and enmity - emptying its burdens!
I came to you - enlivening the night eagerly

٨٢. يا فاتحَ المنصِبِ الطاري نَدَىً وردىً
على الصَدَى والعِدَى يُخلِي طواريها

83. And killing the horses - answering - rousing them.
By God witnessing - many a night I stayed awake with yearning

٨٣. أتيتُ نحوَك أُحْيي الليلَ عن عَجَلٍ
وأقتُلُ الخيلَ جوَّاباً أُزَجّيها

84. Polishing durable pearls - their caravans returned.
None came to it before except thankfully wondrous

٨٤. واللهُ يشهَدُ كم ليلٍ سَهِرتُ بكم
أجلو رقيمةَ دُرٍ رُدَّ جاليها

85. And I came after so it gifted me its rhymes.
It left a headache in a head which went to steal it

٨٥. لم يأتها قَبْلُ إلاّ شاكرٌ عَجَباً
وجئتُ بعدُ فأهدتني قوافيها

86. And good riddance to the thefts of cures healing them.
I did not find a match for it from those whom I

٨٦. أبقَت صُداعاً برأسٍ راحَ يسلُبُهُ
وحبَّذا سَلبُ أدواءٍ تُداويها

87. Raised my hands to previously - so I did not care to revere it.
Rhetoric remained enslaved to it submitting to it

٨٧. لم ألقَ كُفْواً لها مِمَّنْ رَفَعتُ يدي
قبلاً إليه فلم أهتمَّ تنزيها

88. And all words correct in the presence of its composer.
So delight in it and it is delighted with its honorer

٨٨. ظلَّ البديعُ لها عَبداً يُلِمُّ بها
وكلُّ خَطبٍ سليمٌ عِندَ راقيها

89. Altruism - and revering it - glory - and extolling it.
It pleased like the lowest of your meanings of benevolence - for not

٨٩. فانعَمْ بها وهْيَ فَلْتَنْعَمْ بمُكرِمها
جُوداً ومُعظِمِها جاهاً ومُعُليها

90. Signs of truth like half of its structures.

٩٠. راقَتْ كأدنَى مَعانيكَ الحِسانِ فما
آياتُ حقٍ كشَطْرٍ من مَبانيها