
The intention lengthened, and time kept going

طال النوى وتوالى الدهر والأمد

1. The intention lengthened, and time kept going,
After separation, patience and composure diminished.

١. طالَ النَّوى وتَوالَى الدَّهرُ والأمَدُ
بعدَ الفراقِ وقلَّ الصَّبرُ والجَلَدُ

2. If patience itself were honey,
It would become, like patience, when situations prolong.

٢. والصّبرُ لو أنَّهُ في ذاتهِ عَسَلٌ
لصارَ كالصبرِ مِمَّا طالتِ المُدَدُ

3. Time intentionally did me wrong, and I was afflicted by it,
And time is not a confidant for anyone.

٣. تَعَمَّدَ الدَّهرُ لي سُوءاً بُلِيتُ بهِ
والدَّهرُ ليسَ بناجٍ عِندَهُ أحَدُ

4. I used to have a body I lived with,
And today it has become half that body.

٤. قد كان لي جَسَدٌ قبلاً أعيشُ بهِ
واليومَ قد صار نصفاً ذلِكَ الجَسَدُ

5. Thanks to God - complaining of the body is easy
As long as the mind and wisdom remain sound from us.

٥. والحمدُ للهِ شكوَى الجسمِ هيِّنهٌ
ما دامَ يَسلَمُ منَّا العقلُ والرَّشدُ

6. So one with paralysis in his hand does not despair,
Nor one with conjunctivitis in his eye despair.

٦. فليس يَجزَعُ من في كفِّهِ شَلَلٌ
وليس يَجزَعُ من في عينهِ رَمَدُ

7. We have days on earth that pass by us,
Whose events chase like the running of horses.

٧. لنا بذي الأرضِ أيَّامٌ تَمرُّ بنا
أحداثُها كبريدِ الخيلِ تَطَّرِدُ

8. And everything, in our time, has an end,
So neither purity nor eternity remains with it.

٨. وكلُّ أمرٍ لهُ في دهرنا أجَلٌ
فلا يدومُ بهِ صفوٌ ولا كَمَدُ

9. A dream that terrified its beholder at night,
Dissipated at the clarity of dawn what it yielded.

٩. حُلْمٌ تَروَّعَ تحتَ اللَّيلِ ناظِرُهُ
فزالَ عندَ انجلاءِ الصُّبحِ ما يَجِدُ

10. One who does not own a hand to ward off affliction,
Then he has nothing but beautiful patience as a hand.

١٠. من ليسَ يَملِكُ في دفعِ البَلاءِ يداً
فما لهُ سِوَى الصَّبرِ الجميلِ يَدُ