
What have I found from the beloved and his love

ماذا لقيت من الحبيب وحبه

1. What have I found from the beloved and his love
Except his toying with the rapture of my passion

١. ماذا لَقيتُ من الحبيبِ وحُبِّهِ
إلاَّ تَلاعُبَهُ بمُهجةِ صَبِّهِ

2. My submission allured him and increased
His conceit, so he taught me the art of conceit

٢. أغراهُ ذُلّي بالدَّلالِ وزادَهُ
عُجْباً فعلَّمني صِناعةَ عُجْبهِ

3. O you with a glancing eye that captivates
Do not seduce a man captivated at heart

٣. يا أيُّها الرَشأُ المُدِلُّ بعينهِ
لا تَفتِنِ الرَّجُلَ المُدِلَّ بقلبهِ

4. For your love, my life, sins increased
But toward him was the greater sin

٤. كَثُرتْ لَعَمْري في هَواكَ ذُنوبُهُ
لكنْ إليهِ كانَ أكثرُ ذَنْبهِ

5. He whose reproach of lovers lasted long
His own reproach of himself lasted longer

٥. من طالَ عن مَلَلِ الأحبَّةِ عَتْبُهُ
طالَ العِتابُ لنَفسهِ عن عَتْبهِ

6. An imported illness no recovery hoped
Even if Ismail himself rose to cure it

٦. داءٌ دخيلٌ ليسَ يُرجَى بُرْؤُهُ
لو أنَّ إسماعيلَ قامَ بطبِّهِ

7. From that master healer and his expressions
A healer over the master healer and his books

٧. من ذلكَ الشيخِ الرئيسِ ولفظِهِ
شيخٌ على الشيخِ الرئيسِ وكُتْبهِ

8. He narrated so we forgot his rancor
And he narrated so his tongue forgot rancor

٨. رَوَّى فخِلْنا عضْبَهُ من ذِهنهِ
ورَوى فخيِلَ لسانهُ من عَضْبهِ

9. This accomplished sage, unique individual
His wisdom mixed with fear of his Lord

٩. هذا الحكيمُ الكاملُ الفرْدُ الذي
مُزِجَتْ بحكمتِهِ مَخافةُ ربِّهِ

10. He frequented schools in the abode and his mention
Traveled in the east and the west of the horizon

١٠. لَزِمَ المدارِسَ في الدِّيارِ وذكرُهُ
قد سارَ في شرقِ الفضاءِ وغَرْبهِ

11. From the Ottoman port a fertile branch
Flowing to the horsemen of time and the Arabs

١١. من دوحةِ الأتراكِ فَرْعٌ خِصْبهُ
يجري إلى فُرْس الزَّمانِ وعُرْبهِ

12. The benefits of his nearness reaped in his distance
And the desolation of his distance feared in his nearness

١٢. تُجنى فَوائِدُ قُربِهِ في بُعدِهِ
وتُخافُ وَحْشةُ بُعدِهِ في قُربِهِ

13. The state of the noble throne appointed him
Perfecting its favors to servants through appointing him

١٣. نَصَبَتْهُ دولةُ ذي السَريرِ فتَمَّمتْ
ألطافَها نحوَ العبادِ بنَصْبهِ

14. It revived its wholesome grants and sought
To embrace the sick, so it revived them through him

١٤. أحيَتْ مَواهبُها الأصِحَّةَ وابتَغَتْ
أنْ تَشمَلَ المَرْضَى فأحيْتهُم بهِ