
The sun and the moon in the horizon parted

الشمس والبدر في أفق العلى افترقا

1. The sun and the moon in the horizon parted
And here they met for the people in the house

١. الشمسُ والبدرُ في أُفقِ العُلى افتَرَقا
وههنا اجتمَعَا للنَّاسِ في دارِ

2. A sun that rose above an eclipse that would touch it
And a full moon ascended above the eclipse of moons

٢. شمسٌ عَلَتْ عن كُسوفٍ أَنْ يُلِمَّ بها
وبدرُ تِمٍّ علا عن خَسفِ أقمارِ

3. A branch on its origin, its features showed
And we know the origin by the good fruits

٣. فَرعٌ على أَصلِهِ دَلَّت شمائِلُهُ
والأَصلُ نَعرِفهُ من طِيبِ أَثمارِ

4. A secret that flowed from his father embedded in him
In his soul like blood in his body it flowed

٤. سِرٌّ سَرَى من أبيهِ فيهِ مُندرِجاً
في نفسِهِ كَدَمٍ في جِسمِهِ سارِ

5. His Master gave him from grace in his youth
What is not given to elders of eras

٥. أعطاهُ مولاهُ من فضلٍ على صِغَرٍ
ما ليسَ تُعطَى شُيوخٌ ذاتُ أدهارِ

6. The people's gifts are like people, worthless
So no gift except the Giver of gifts

٦. مواهبُ النَّاسِ مِثلَ النَّاسِ باطلةٌ
فلا عَطيَّةَ إلاَّ مِنْحةُ الباري