
Time has untied the knot, praise be to God

الحمد لله حل العقدة الزمن

1. Time has untied the knot, praise be to God,
And the head is healed, so the body recovered.

١. الحمدُ لله حَلَّ العُقدةَ الزَّمَنُ
وقد شَفَى الرأسَ فاستَشفَى بهِ البَدَنُ

2. The radiant state has returned from a journey,
It was absent, so the homeland yearned for it.

٢. قد عادَتِ الدَّولةُ الشَّهباءُ من سَفَرٍ
غابت بهِ فاشتكى من شوقهِ الوَطنُ

3. O sphere fallen in the fever of Lebanon,
From the ugliness of its rules, goodness has come to you.

٣. يا كُورةً في حِمَى لُبنانَ قد سَقَطَتْ
من قُبحِ أَحكامِها قد جاءَكِ الحَسَنُ

4. This Shihabi prince, whose hand
Protects the homes and eliminates strife.

٤. هذا الأميرُ الشِّهابِيُّ الذي يدُهُ
تحمي الدِّيارَ وتُمحَى عندَها الفِتَنُ

5. His bravery makes him forget Ali in Hejaz,
And his gifts make the generous Yemenis forget Hatem.

٥. يُنسِي الحجازَ عليّاً من شَجاعَتهِ
ومن عطاياهُ يَنسَى حاتِمَ اليَمَنُ

6. Wealth has no value in his comfort,
Nor does blood have a price in his war.

٦. فليسَ للمالِ قَدْرٌ عندَ راحتهِ
ولا الدِّماءُ لها في حربهِ ثَمَنُ

7. Noble, kind, perceptive, eminent,
Appointed, wise, literary, decisive, and prudent.

٧. شهمٌ كريمٌ لبيبٌ حاذقٌ نَجِبٌ
نَدْبٌ حَصيفٌ أديبٌ حازِمٌ فَطِنُ

8. No flaw appears to the one who looks at him,
Nor is there any disgrace or contempt in his manners.

٨. لا عيبَ في خَلقِهِ يبدو لناظِرهِ
وليسَ في خُلقِهِ شَيْنٌ ولا دَرَنُ

9. Give good news to the elders of the Azar clan
That a dignity has been lifted from them, taking away afflictions.

٩. بَشِّرْ شُيوخَ بني العازارِ أنَّ لهم
كرامةً رُفِعَتْ عنهم بها المِحَنُ

10. The shining one is a branch of the Kindled Shihab,
And the branch loses strength when the origin becomes diseased.

١٠. اللَّمْعُ فرعُ الشِّهابِ المُستضاءِ بهِ
والفرعُ يَبطُلُ حينَ الأصلُ يَعتلِنُ