
Greetings to the one we do not pass by in our minds

سلام على من لا نمر بباله

1. Greetings to the one we do not pass by in our minds
So what are our hopes of reaching him

١. سلامٌ على من لا نَمُرُّ ببالِهِ
فماذا تُرَى أطماعُنا في وِصالِهِ

2. And it was not enough for him what we have borne in passion
Of humiliation until the burden of his maternal uncle increased

٢. ولم يكْفِهِ ما قد حَملْناهُ في الهَوى
منَ الذُلِّ حتَّى زادَ حِملَ خالِهِ

3. It is commendable that we testified a fire on his cheek
Because we found coal between it

٣. مليحٌ شَهِدنا أن ناراً بِخَدِّهِ
لأنَّا وجدنا بينها فَحْمَ خالهِ

4. My heart allowed passion and it is sorrowful
It is difficult for it the glance of his beauty

٤. أباحَ فُؤَادي للهَوى وهو باخلٌ
يَعِزُّ عليهِ نظرَةُ من جَمالِهِ

5. And every generous person is generous with the money of others
And few are generous people with their own money

٥. وكلُّ كريمُ النَّفسِ من مالِ غيرهِ
وقلَّ كريمُ النَّفسِ من نفسِ مالهِ

6. That which your right hand did not toil for
Comes easy for you to spend with your left

٦. وما كان لم تَتْعَبْ عليهِ يمينُهُ
يهونُ عليهِ بذلُهُ بشمالِهِ

7. I exerted myself composing poetry in old age because of him
And a person's poetry grows old when he is fully grown

٧. تكلَّفْتُ نظمَ الشِّعرِ كَهْلاً لأجلهِ
ويَكَهْلُ شعرُ المرْءِ عندَ اكتهالِهِ

8. So it is lost as time is lost and thus
We see everything that has not fit in its proper place

٨. فضاعَ كما ضاعَ الزَّمانُ وهكذا
نرى كلَّ أمرٍ لم يَجُلْ في مَجالِهِ

9. If poetry escapes you then seek it, you will find it
Heading west to Lebanon, guided from its misguidance

٩. إذا ضلَّ عنكَ الشِّعرُ فاطلُبْهُ تلقَهُ
إلى غربِ لُبنانَ اهتَدَى من ضَلالِهِ

10. In the presence of the family of Raslan is its beautiful standing
And with the family of Raslan the unpacking of its belongings

١٠. أمامَ بني رسلانَ طيبُ وقوفهِ
وعند بني رسلانَ حَطُّ رِحالهِ

11. The rhymes pray every day and night
Upon the face of old Raslan and his family

١١. تُصلِّي القوافي كلَّ يومٍ وليلةٍ
على وجهِ رسلانَ القديمِ وآلِهِ

12. Upon Haydar the noble hero and warrior
And around him from his plains and mountains

١٢. على حيدرَ الشَّهمِ الكريمِ ومُلحِمٍ
وما حولَهُ من سَهْلِهِ وجبالِهِ

13. A glorious father and a generous son like a ring
Whose engraving in his nature came with his example

١٣. أبٌ ماجدٌ وابنٌ كريمٌ كخاتَمٍ
أتى نقشُهُ في طبعِهِ بمثالِه

14. Foremost in doing good of his people
And in serving the sultan most steadfast of his men

١٤. إلى عملِ الإحسانِ أسبَقُ أهلِهِ
وفي خدمِةِ السُّلطانِ أمضى رِجالهِ

15. When needs touched them, both would stand
To them like embers of fire when it blazes

١٥. إذا مسَّتْ الحاجاتُ قام كلاهُما
إليهما كَجمر النَّار عندَ اشتعالِهِ

16. And if the hardships of tribulations gathered they would face
The morning whose dawn split the shadow's burrows

١٦. وإن جنَّ ديجورُ الخطوبِ تلقيَّا
دُجاهُ بصبحٍ شقَّ جيبَ ظِلالهِ

17. Every young man has a flaw that mars himself
Except Mulhim, glory to the giver of his perfection

١٧. لكلِّ فتىً عيبٌ يشينُ بنفسهِ
سِوَى ملحمٍ سبحانَ معطي كَمالِهِ

18. And all governors need a judge
Except Mulhim, the judging extended to his maternal uncle

١٨. وكلُّ ولاةِ الأمرِ تحتاجُ قاضياً
سِوى ملحمٍ عمِّ القضاءِ وخالِهِ

19. The most blossoming springtime of the land throughout his time
The time of springtime in the prime of its moderation

١٩. أغَرُّ خَصيبُ الرَّبع كلُّ زمانِهِ
زمانُ ربيعٍ في أوانِ اعتِدالهِ

20. Clever advice, were it not for his soul's composure
He would answer a person before his question

٢٠. ذكيُّ النُّهَى لولا رَصانةُ نفسهِ
لكانَ يجيبُ المرءَ قبلَ سُؤالِهِ

21. They say the family of Raslan is infatuated, I said I have
Enjoyed the pure water from its springs

٢١. يقولونَ تهوَى آلَ رسلانَ قلتُ قد
تمتَّعْتُ من صافي الهَوَى بزُلالِهِ

22. I loved the family where its guest finds hospitality
And the stranger forgets the mention of his family

٢٢. هَوِيْتُ الأُلى يلقى الكرامةَ ضيفُهُم
وينسى غريبُ الدَّارِ ذِكرَ عيالِهِ

23. I see poetry invites me to compose praise of them
So it allows despite my weakness the verge of improvisation

٢٣. أرى الشِّعرَ يدعوني إلى نظمِ مدحِهم
فَيسمحُ مع ضَعفي بوَشْكِ ارتجالهِ

24. And if I did not say poetry about them in a state of wakefulness
A apparition would come in sleep, the phantom of his imagination

٢٤. ولو لم أقلْ شِعراً بهم حالَ يقظةٍ
أتى هاتفاً في النَّوْمِ طيفُ خَيالهِ