1. For the noble sons of al-Khouri there is solace
Now that Abdallah has come to rest with Him
١. لكم يا بَنِي الخورِي عَزاءٌ وسَلْوةٌ
بما أنَّ عبدَ اللهِ قد باتَ عِندَهُ
2. His parting has wounded all our hearts
And nought can heal them but patience here below
٢. لقد جَرَحَ الأكبادَ عندَ فراقهِ
وليسَ لها طِبٌّ سوى الصبر بعدَهُ
3. A noble man now rests in a noble tomb
May God rain down fresh water on his grave from highest heaven
٣. كريمٌ ثوَى في مضجَعٍ ذي كرامةٍ
سَقى اللهُ مِن أَعلى السماواتِ لحدَهُ
4. God chose him for salvation, welcomed him to His kingdom
No doubt that God chooses His righteous servant
٤. قدِ اختارَهُ للفوزِ أرّخْ بملكهِ
ولا شَكَّ أنَّ اللهَ يَختارُ عبدهُ