
Every spilt drop of blood attains treasures of wealth

يصيب كنوز مال كل فدم

1. Every spilt drop of blood attains treasures of wealth
Worthless as a coin that cannot stand

١. يُصيبُ كُنوزَ مالٍ كلُّ فَدْمٍ
بقيمةِ بعضِ فلسٍ لا يقومُ

2. And many a sensible man does not pray
Due to his extreme weakness, yet he fasts

٢. وكم يُمسي لبيبٌ لا يُصلِّي
لشِدَّةِ ضُعفِهِ لكنْ يصومُ

3. If everyone were given provision
According to their worth, the wise would be satisfied

٣. ولو يُعطى من الأرزاقِ كلٌّ
على مِقدارِهِ انتَصَفَ الحكيمُ

4. And no one would blame the days
When they see the justice of fate and do not complain

٤. ولم يعتبْ على الأيَّامِ شخصٌ
يَرَى عدلَ القضاءِ ولا يلومُ

5. And among the people there is a miser with wealth
By his surplus and a generous pauper

٥. وبَينَ النَّاسِ ذو مالٍ بخيلٌ
بفَضْلتهِ وصُعلُوكٌ كريمُ

6. And the generosity of the poor to me
Is better than the stinginess of the rich, a despicable flaw

٦. وإنَّ تَكَرُّمَ الفُقَراءِ عِندي
كبُخلِ ذَوي الغِنَى عَيبٌ ذميمُ

7. And some claim what is not in them
And another buys what he does not bargain over

٧. وبعضٌ يَدَّعي ما ليسَ فيهِ
وبعضٌ يشتري ما لا يَسومُ

8. And another advises friends about
What ails him while he is the sick one

٨. وآخرُ يَنصَحُ الأصحابَ عمَّا
بهِ كمُعالجٍ وَهُوَ السَّقيمُ

9. And among the poets there is one who in every valley
When his petty talents wane he roams around

٩. وفي الشُّعراءِ مَن في كلِّ وادٍ
إذا هَدَرَتْ شَقاشِقُهُ يَهيمُ

10. And some poetry in the ear is speech
That is sweet and some bitter bile

١٠. وبعضُ الشِّعرِ في أُذُنٍ كلامٌ
يَطيبُ وبعضُهُ فيها كُلُومُ

11. And many a man takes the place of an army
Yet the great army collapses because of him

١١. وكم رَجُلٍ يقومُ مَقامَ جيشٍ
ويَسقُطُ دونَهُ الجيشُ العظيمُ

12. And after the sun how many stars appear
But the stars do not succeed it

١٢. وبعدَ الشَّمسِ كم تبدو نجومٌ
ولكنْ ليسَ تَخلُفها النُّجومُ

13. And no person's being is safe from flaws
So no human is free of faults

١٣. وما سَلِمَ الكمالُ لذاتِ شخصٍ
فلا إنسانَ مِن عيبٍ سليمُ

14. And every powerful person is overcome by one more powerful
And everyone knowledgeable is surpassed by one more knowledgeable

١٤. ويَغلِبُ كلَّ مقتَدِرٍ قديرٌ
ويعلو كلَّ ذي علمٍ عليمُ