1. You deserve congratulations for what you have been given, apologizing,
Though the amount you give may be small, even if plentiful.
١. لكَ الهناءُ بما أوتِيتَ مُعتذِرا
قد قَلَّ مبلغُ ما تُعطَى وإنْ كَثُرا
2. When congratulated about something with difficulty on its side,
Then through you it was made easier, and so you succeeded.
٢. إذا هَنِئْتَ بأمرٍ عزَّ جانبُهُ
فإنهُ بكَ أهنَى فَهْوَ قد ظَفِرا
3. God's sun of beauty met a moon,
And the sun should not overtake the moon.
٣. للهِ شمسُ جَمالٍ أدرَكَتْ قمراً
والشمسُ لا ينبغي أن تُدرِكَ القمَرا
4. The auspicious lion made it rise in a mansion for him,
So it gained ink from its good fortune.
٤. أحلَّها الأسَدُ الميمونُ طالعهُ
بُرجاً لهُ فاكتَسَتْ من سَعدِهِ حِبَرا
5. O splitter of rough, disheveled sorrows on a day of calamity,
And splitter of white, smooth blessings on a day of rest.
٥. يا قاسمَ اللِّمَمِ الشعثاءِ يومَ وَغىً
وقاسِمَ النِّعَمِ البيضاءِ يومَ قِرَى
6. You are the generous one whose gifts
Were long towards the destitute, but your promise was short.
٦. أنتَ الكريمُ الذي طالتْ مواهبُهُ
على العُفاةِ ولكن وَعدُهُ قَصُرا
7. The speaker of words is like the deed from confidence,
And the doer of deeds is like words when facilitated.
٧. القائلُ القولَ مثلَ الفِعلِ عن ثِقةٍ
والفاعلُ الفعلَ مثلَ القولِ قد يَسُرا
8. The difficulties of the matter bowed down low before you,
So what is your excuse for not taking the risk?
٨. ذَلَّتْ لديكَ صِعابُ الأمرِ صاغرةً
فما اُعتِذارُكَ أن لا تركَبَ الخَطَرا
9. The nights have taught us patience from early on,
And you came and spared the impatient his frustration.
٩. قد علَّمَتنَا الليالي الصَبرَ من قِدَمٍ
وجِئتَنا فكَفيْتَ الصابرَ الضَجَرا
10. A pillar which the seeker of refuge repairs to, so it was for him
A fortress though the builder did not lay a stone in it.
١٠. رُكنٌ إليهِ التَجَى الراجي فكان لَهُ
حِصْناً ولم يَضَعِ الباني بهِ حَجَرا
11. You obliged yourself to benefiting people assiduously,
Until you gave the impression that you do not know harm.
١١. ألزَمتَ نفسَكَ نفعَ النَّاسِ مجتهداً
حتى تُوُهِّمْتَ أن لا تَعرِفَ الضَررَا
12. You fulfil needs cheerfully as if they were your own -
Everyone is made happy by what he desires, however it turns out.
١٢. تَقضي الحوائِجَ مسروراً كصاحبها
كُلٌّ يُسَرُّ بما يهواهُ كيفَ جَرَى
13. Whoever hoped in you, and through you, did not fail,
For you attained wishes, and through you we attained ease.
١٣. ما خابَ منك و لا فيكَ الرَّجاءُ فقد
نلت الأماني ونِلنا عندَكَ الوَطَرا
14. When our callers pray for you, their praying for you
Is like one who prays without merit if considered.
١٤. إذا دعا لكَ داعينا فذاكَ لهُ
يدعو فلا فضلَ للداعي إذا اعتَبَرا