1. The title of every lasting eulogy
Is to abandon amorousness and pretentiousness in words
١. عُنوانُ كلِّ مديحٍ راسخِ القَدَمِ
تَرْكُ التَغَزُّلِ والتمويهِ في الكَلِمِ
2. If you praise the trusted one cried out for aid
Then satirize the wicked enemy, not the docile friends
٢. فإن مَدَحتَ الأمينَ المُستغَاثَ بهِ
فالهَجْ بلَيثِ الشَّرَى لا ظَبْيِ ذي سَلَمِ
3. Say to the Prince, may God generously reward you
For the most generous of people to God are the most generous
٣. قلْ للأمِير جَزاكَ اللهُ مكَرُمةً
فأكرَمُ النَّاسِ عِندَ اللهِ ذو الكَرَمِ
4. And people are of two kinds, one with a sword, one with a pen
And you combine both sword and pen
٤. والنَّاسُ ضَربانِ ذو سَيفٍ وذو قَلَمٍ
وأنتَ تجمَعُ بينَ السَّيفِ والقَلَمِ
5. I praise you with words I do not count
As eulogy to you but as talk about you among nations
٥. أُثني عليكَ بلَفظٍ لستُ أحسَبُهُ
مَدحاً لكم بل حديثاً عنكَ في الأُمَمِ
6. And the best praise is that whose talk is true
And witnessed by the testimony of deeds and manners
٦. وأحسَنُ المَدحِ ما صَحَّ الحديثُ بهِ
وصَدَّقتْهُ شُهودُ الفِعلِ والشِّيَمِ
7. And the best rulers standing as a young man
Are ones with wisdom, adorning rule with governance
٧. وأفضَلُ الحاكِمينَ القائمِينَ فتىً
ذو حِكمةٍ فيَزِينُ الحُكْمَ بالحِكَمِ
8. You have taken on the turns of fate, brandishing
The sword of resolutions, opinions and ambitions
٨. قدِ اعترَكتَ صُروفَ الدَّهرِ مُخترطاً
سيفَ العَزائمِ والآراءِ والهَمَمِ
9. Thus you tie a crown above its forehead
After the struggle, though it was a stepping ground
٩. فكُنتَ مَعقِدَ تاجٍ فَوقَ هَامَتِها
بَعدَ الجهادِ وكانتْ موطِئَ القَدَمِ
10. You extend the palm of a sniper supported
By good fortune hunting the falcon with ease
١٠. مَدَدتَ راحةَ قَنَّاصٍ يُعاضِدُها
حَظُّ سَعيدٌ يَصيدُ الصَقْرَ بالرَخَمِ
11. You never desire what you cannot have
Nor begin what you do not finish
١١. فما هَمَمْتَ بأمرٍ غيرَ مُقتدرٍ
ولا بَدَأتَ بأمرٍ غيرَ مخُتَتِمِ
12. O most steadfast of people in word and deed
In persistence and most faithful in pacts
١٢. يا أثبتَ النَّاسِ في قولٍ وفي عَمَلٍ
على التَمادِي وأوفَى الناسِ بالذِمَمِ
13. Between me and you is a covenant in our tribes
Flowing by habit of the served and the servants
١٣. بَيني وبينَكَ عهدٌ في عَشائِرِنا
يَجري على سُنَّةِ المَخدُومِ والخَدَمِ
14. I by habit of soldiers from early times
So be by habit of masters from early times
١٤. أنا على عادةِ الأجنادِ من قِدَمِ
فكُنْ على عادةِ الساداتِ من قِدَمِ