
Dear one of mine is beautiful

عزيز بني مسدية جميل

1. Dear one of mine is beautiful
Patience for his loss is right and beautiful

١. عزيزُ بني مُسدِّيَةٍ جميلٌ
يحقُّ لفَقدِهِ الصَّبرُ الجميلُ

2. His Creator called him and he obeyed
Obedient when the Messenger called him

٢. دعاهُ إليهِ خالِقُهُ فلَّبى
مُطِيعاً حينَ ناداهُ الرَّسولُ

3. In a year, history sang in it
To his Creator, the friend has gone

٣. بعامٍ أنشدَ التَّأريخُ فيهِ
إلى باريهِ قد ذَهَبَ الخليلُ