
She did as the cups of the pourer did before

فعلت كما فعلت سلاف الساقي

1. She did as the cups of the pourer did before
Hayfa recounting the branch in the leaves

١. فَعَلَت كما فَعَلَتْ سُلافُ الساقي
هَيفاءُ تَحكِي الغُصنَ في الأَوراقِ

2. She wore from the excellent brocade wrappers
And she has from the secrets a weaving of a belt

٢. لَبِسَتْ منَ الوَشيِ البديعِ مَطارِفاً
ولها من الأَسرارِ حَبْكُ نِطاقِ

3. She revived with her visit the heart of her lover
Like the invalid who was breathed upon by the healer

٣. أَحيَتْ بِزَورتِها فُؤَادَ مُحِبِّها
مِثلَ السَّليمِ أتاهُ نَفثُ الراقي

4. The beloved sent her to me as a sweetheart
She stirred for him the nightingales of passions

٤. بَعَثَ الحبيبُ بها إليَّ حبيبةً
هاجَتْ إليهِ بلابلَ الأشواقِ

5. A hidden one who took the breasts of pages
So when she appeared she took the breasts of springs

٥. مكنونةٌ أَخَذَت خُدُورَ صَحائِفٍ
فإذا بَدَت أَخَذَت خُدُورَ تَراقِ

6. She cast upon my sight and hearing an intoxication
And so both of them are from the troop of lovers

٦. أَلقَتْ على بَصَري وسَمعي صَبْوةً
فكلاهُما من عُصبةِ العُشَّاقِ

7. O master who possessed souls with his kindness
And so they became delicate with the delicacy of morals

٧. يا سَيِّداً مَلَكَ النُفوسَ بلُطفِهِ
فغدَت رقيقةَ رِقَّةِ الأخلاقِ

8. Did you hear her composing the verses of the beloved so she knew
Is the beloved one from Tayy or the beloved one from Iraq?

٨. أَسمعتَها نظمَ الحبيبِ فما دَرَتْ
أحبيبُ طيٍّ أم حبيبُ عِراقِ

9. Praise has come to me from you as if it is
A flower that stretches to a barren woman with a porch

٩. قد جاءَني منكَ المديحُ كأَنَّهُ
زَهرٌ يَمُدُّ لقَفرةٍ بِرِواقِ

10. The quality of it was from the making of pens
And your quality is from the making of the Creator

١٠. من صَنعةِ الأَقلامِ كانَ طِرازُهُ
وطِرَازُكم من صَنعةِ الخلاَّقِ