
For whom is there a ruined abode in the valley of sands blown by winds without ink,

لمن طلل بوادي الرمل باد

1. For whom is there a ruined abode in the valley of sands blown by winds without ink,
Where I halted my she-camel so we were three shapes in the shade of a valley,

١. لِمَنْ طَلَلٌ بِوادي الرَّمل بادِ
تَخُطُّ بهِ الرِّياحُ بلا مِدادِ

2. Peace to her, for whom there is no peace from us, a peace not returned in distance,
We fell in love with Hejaz though we heard of her abode on the side of rugged terrain,

٢. وَقَفتُ بناقتي فيهِ فكُنَّا
ثَلاثةَ أرسُمٍ في ظِلِّ وادِ

3. Her languishing eye deprived me of sleep so it had slumber during my slumber,
I was content with her specter if it visited for a while, but how can a specter visit in oblivion,

٣. على مَن لا سَلامَ لها علينا
سلامٌ لا يُرَدُّ على البِعادِ

4. Like the eyeliner of a filled vessel exposed like a sword so forelocks came to it with purpose,
I saw my blood on her sandal so she loosened her straps gesturing to mourning,

٤. تَعَشَّقْنا الحِجازَ وقد سَمِعْنا
بمَنزِلها على ذاتِ الإصادِ

5. For your eye, O Umayya, neither my head nor my eyelids or my heart are well,
My soul is eased for her sake though it started fearing blackness,

٥. نَؤومُ عينُها سَلَبَتْ مَنامي
فصارَ لها رُقادٌ في رُقادِ

6. I felt assured in my heart from fire with your love when it turned to ashes,
And the wounds of tears were assured in my eyes because tears are depleted,

٦. رَضِيتُ بطَيفِها لو زَارَ حيناً
وكيفَ يَزورُ طيفٌ في السُّهادِ

7. I called on the people of purity to remove harm, I melt for them but they were like inanimate objects,
Not every man, O mother of 'Amr, is praiseworthy when the caller calls out,

٧. كحيلةُ مُقلةٍ بَرَزَتْ كسيفٍ
فجاءَتها الغدائِرُ بالنَّجادِ

8. I fell for Damascus, when I fell for the son of Annasib from the servants,
Today in it the son of Annasib is naught but a mountain atop the summit of desolation,

٨. رأيتُ دَمي بَوجْنتِها فأرْخَتْ
ذُؤَابتَها تُشيرُ إلى الحِدادِ

9. Anasib from Anasib from Anasib continuously like the stars of the Big Dipper,
Noblemen - if a genealogist traced them he would count their nobility from the time of 'Aad,

٩. لِعَينكِ يا أُميَّةُ ما برأسي
وما في مُقلتَيَّ وفي فُؤادي

10. If you glance upon Mahmud you see a moon occupying the breast of a sanctuary,
You see him in meanings as Qais ibn 'Abs, and in diction as Qiss ibn Iyad,

١٠. تَطِيبُ لأجلِها بالشَيبِ نفسي
فقد صارت تَخافُ منَ السَّوادِ

11. Generous of manners, praised of traits, generous at heart, commended of hands,
More gentle than fresh sweet water, and firmer in affection than the north wind,

١١. أمِنتُ على فُؤَادي من حَريقٍ
بِحُبكِ حينَ صار إلى الرَّمادِ

12. A young man whom confusion does not make arrogant, even if he spends the night watchful over the ferocious beast,
Honors seek his protection out of yearning, and they advanced toward him without a guide,

١٢. وقد أمِنَتْ قُروحَ الدَمعِ عيني
لأنَّ الدَّمعَ صار إلى النَفادِ

13. The soundest of people in difficult times in opinion, and the wisest of them to the paths of guidance,
The most forbearing of them when asking an opponent, and the most insightful of them in benefiting a friend,

١٣. دَعوتُ بني الصَّفاءِ لكَشفِ ضَرٍّ
أذُوبُ لهُ فكانوا كالجَمادِ

14. Yearning surges in my heart toward him like the blowing of wind in the feet of locusts,
And what is made easy of him for me is as tormenting as a sip that makes all provision pleasant,

١٤. وما كلُّ أمرئٍ يا أُمَّ عَمْرٍو
بمحمودٍ إذا هَتَفَ المُنادي

15. Will you who began with an ancient connection, your beginning, will it have no return?
If the eye performs pilgrimage to you one day, then the heart remains steadfast in struggle,

١٥. هَوِيتُ من البِلادِ دِمَشْقَ لَمَّا
هَوِيتُ ابنَ النَّسيب منَ العِبادِ

١٦. وليسَ ابنُ النَّسِيبِ اليومَ فيها
سِوَى جَبَلٍ على كَبِدِ الوِهادِ

١٧. نسيبٌ من نَسيبٍ من نسيبٍ
كأكعابِ القناةِ على اُطِّرادِ

١٨. كِرامٌ لو تَقَصَّاهُمْ نَقِيبٌ
لَعَدَّ كِرَامَهُمْ من عَهدِ عادِ

١٩. إذا قَلَّبتَ في محمودَ طَرْفاً
تَرَى قَمَراً تَبوَّأ صَدْرَ نادِ

٢٠. تراهُ في المعاني قيس عبسٍ
وفي الألفاظِ قسَّ بني إياد

٢١. كريم الخلقِ ممدوحُ السَّجايا
كريمُ النَفسِ محمودُ الأيادِي

٢٢. أرَقُّ منَ الزُّلالِ العَذْبِ لُطفاً
وأثبتُ من ثَبيرٍ في الوِدادِ

٢٣. فَتىً لا يَزْدَهيهِ التِّيهُ كِبْراً
ولو أمسَى على السَّبْعِ الشِّداد

٢٤. تَحِلُّ المكرُماتُ حِماهُ شَوقاً
وقد سارَتْ إليه بغَيرِ حادِ

٢٥. أصَحُّ الناسِ في الغَمَراتِ رأْياً
وأهداهُمْ إلى سُبُلِ الرَّشادِ

٢٦. وأشجاهم بمَسئَلةٍ لخَصْمٍ
وأرواهم بفائدةٍ لِصادِ

٢٧. يَهُبُّ الشَّوقُ في قَلبي إليهِ
هُبوبَ الرِّيحِ في رِجْلِ الجَرادِ

٢٨. ويَعذُبُ مَا تَيسَّرَ منه عِندي
كمَسْغبَةٍ تُحبِّبُ كُلَّ زادِ

٢٩. ألا يا مُنعِماً بقَديمِ وَصلٍ
بَدأتَ فهل لِبَدْئِكَ مِن مَعادِ

٣٠. لَئنْ حَجَّت إليكَ العينُ يوماً
فإنَّ القلبَ دامَ على الجهادِ