1. Hanna Salameh said goodbye with well-being, he is gone
To the bliss of a Lord under whose protection he was fortunate
١. حَنَّا سلامةَ بالسَّلامة قد مَضى
لنعيمِ ربٍّ في حِماهُ قدْ سَعِدْ
2. He never ceased to be of the people of nobility and piety
Striving for what pleases God and making effort
٢. ما زالَ مِن أهلِ الكَرامةِ والتُّقَى
يَسعَى بما يَرضَى الإلهُ ويجَتهِدْ
3. In a grave where angels of the sky have alighted
Spreading over him a banner of light that was hoisted
٣. قد حلَّ في قبرٍ ملائِكةُ السَّما
نَشَرَت عليهِ لواءَ نورٍ قدْ عُقِدْ
4. Above it, the date proclaimed aloud
That Christ, by the grace of John, bore witness
٤. مِن فوقهِ التَّأريخُ جهراً ناطقٌ
إنَّ المسيحَ بفضلِ يوحَّنا شَهِدْ