
Su'ad reproached me, though I was not to blame,

عتبت سعاد ولم أكن بالمذنب

1. Su'ad reproached me, though I was not to blame,
And I knew her habit, so I did not protest.

١. عَتَبَتْ سُعادُ ولم أكُنْ بالمُذنبِ
وعَرَفتُ عادَتها فلم أتَعتَّبِ

2. It is the nature of beauties, if they see
A young man humbled for them, with a pure heart.

٢. شِيَمُ الغواني إن تَدِلَّ إذا رأت
صبَّاً يَذِلُّ لها بقلبٍ طيِّبِ

3. Her glances ordered the youth, so he obeyed,
She called, and the old man answered, unhesitating.

٣. أمَرَتْ لواحظُها الفَتَى فأطاعها
وَدَعَت فلبىَّ الشيخُ غيرَ مكذِبِّ

4. The coquette's eyes intoxicate, her glance makes drunk,
And I envy, yet here I am, not having drunk.

٤. فَتَّانةُ العينينِ يَسكَرُ طَرْفُها
وأنا أُحَدُّ وها أنا لم أشرَبِ

5. Her tresses flowed, and her brow gleamed,
So I saw a full moon rising in Capricorn's tower.

٥. سالَتْ ذوائِبُها ولاحَ جبينُها
فرأيتُ بدراً حلَّ بُرجَ العَقرَبِ

6. She spoke and smiled when she saw
My tears - so those are pearls that have not been pierced.

٦. وتكلَّمتْ وتبسَّمَتْ لمَّا رأتْ
دمعي فتلكَ لآلئٌ لم تُثقَبِ

7. I hoped for affection from her,
But her affection was like flickering lightning.

٧. قد كُنتُ أطمَعُ في المَوَدَّةِ عِندَها
فإذا مَودَّتُها كبرْقٍ خُلَّبِ

8. A beauty's affection is a guest soon departing,
Its tryst no more than two or three days.

٨. ومَوَدَّةُ الحَسناءِ ضَيفٌ راحلٌ
مِيعادُهُ لثلاثةٍ أو أقرَبِ

9. I tasted the thrill of youth vigorously in my prime,
But today I have grown old - does it suit a grey hair?

٩. ذُقتُ الصَّبابةَ في الشَبيبةِ أمرَداً
واليومَ شِبتُ فهل تليقُ بأشَيبِ

10. Each overlooks the faults in himself, so if he saw
A fault in himself, he would not meet an undisciplined one.

١٠. كلٌّ يعافُ العيبَ فيه فلو دَرَى
عيباً بهِ لم تَلقَ غيرَ مُهذَّبِ

11. And I have struggled with fate, seeking wisdom,
And fate has benefited me, the best mentor.

١١. ولقد عَرَكتُ الدَّهرَ أطلُبُ حِكمةً
فأفادَني والدَّهرُ خيرُ مؤدِّبِ

12. Experiences give wisdom to one who tries,
Until they educate beyond a father's upbringing.

١٢. تُعطي التجاربُ حِكمةً لمجرِّبٍ
حَتَى تُرِّبي فوقَ تربيةِ الأبِ

13. And I contemplated fate and its judgments,
But I was afflicted by obscurities never explained.

١٣. ولقد تأمَّلتُ الزَمانَ وحُكمَهُ
فبُلِيتُ منهُ بعُجمةٍ لم تُعرَبِ

14. Shame on me, when our Mufti, whose
Opinion distinguishes between Bakr and Taghlib.

١٤. عارٌ عليَّ وشيخُنا المفتِي لهُ
رأيٌ يخلِّصُ بينَ بَكْرَ وتَغلبِ

15. He is a star in the east whose light shines,
And the excellence of his rays gleams in the west.

١٥. هوَ كوكبٌ في الشرقِ يسطَعُ نُورُهُ
ويلوحُ فضلُ شُعاعِهِ في المَغربِ

16. He dispels troubles and makes your face shine for you,
So you see him in both cases as the best star.

١٦. يجلو الخُطوبَ وينجلي لكَ وَجهُهُ
فتَراهُ في الحالينِ أفضلَ كوكبِ

17. Skillful in resolving any dilemma,
His cheerfulness apparent despite the anger of the wrathful.

١٧. حَسَنُ الإصابةِ عِندَ كل مُلمَّةٍ
بادي البشاشةِ عندَ سُخطِ المغُضَبِ

18. Humble towards his companion out of his kindness,
As if his companion were a man of high station.

١٨. مُتواضعٌ لجليسهِ من لُطفهِ
حتى كأنَّ جليسَهُ ذو المَنصبِ

19. Quenching thirst from the cup of truth, he left
Nothing but the dregs which were not sought.

١٩. رَيَّانُ من كأسِ الحقيقةِ لم يَدَعْ
إلا ثُمالَتَها التي لم تُطلَبِ

20. He did not love worldly things, so he was not distraught when
It turned away, and if it approached, he was not disturbed.

٢٠. لم يَعشَقِ الدُنيا فلم يَجْزَعْ إذا
ولَّت وإنْ هيَ أقبَلَتْ لم يَطرَبِ

21. Time is nothing to him - he does not marvel
At what he sees in it, nor is he amazed.

٢١. هانَ الزمانُ عليهِ لا مُتعَجِبٌ
مما يَرَى فيهِ وليسَ بمُعجَبِ

22. He encompassed the sciences with an ample
Spacious, prepared heart, and broader work.

٢٢. وَسِعَ العلومَ بجانبٍ من صَدرِهِ
رَحْبٍ وللعَمَلِ استَعَدَّ بأرحَبِ

23. He enumerated what the books have written for us
In them, and added to them what was not written.

٢٣. أحصى من الكُتُبِ الذي كَتَبوا لنا
فيها وزادَ عليهِ ما لم يُكَتبِ

24. The wise man reaps its benefits like others,
And his judgments benefit the jurists of the school.

٢٤. يجني فوائدَهُ الحكيمُ كغيرهِ
وتُفيدُ فَتْواهُ شُيوخَ المَذهبِ

25. O you, when the ode expands with your mention,
Impromptu compositions burst in, breaking through poems.

٢٥. يا مَن إذا اتَّسعَ القريضُ بذَكرِهِ
ضَغَطَ الأعاريضَ اقتحامُ الأضربِ

26. Our rhymes flourish, faultless, in your presence,
And my insufficient words are chastised.

٢٦. تزهو قوافينا لَدَيكَ سليمةً
ويُعابُ بالتقصيرِ قولُ المُطنِبِ

27. The delicacy of your virtues, O Muhammad, is veiled,
So it is hidden, while you appear unveiled.

٢٧. غَمَضَتْ صِفاتُكَ يا مُحمَّدُ دِقةً
فتحجَّبَتْ وبَرَزْتَ غيرَ محجَّبِ

28. If you seek one who will uphold her right,
Then seek me, and excuse yourself, so be gone.

٢٨. إن كُنتَ تَبغِي من يَقومُ بحقِها
فاطلُبِ سِوايَ وقُل عذَرتُكَ فاذهَبِ