1. He came like Moses when he returned from Egypt
But he did not know wandering in the desert
١. أتى مثلَ موسى حينما عادَ من مِصرِ
ولكنَّهُ لم يعرِف التِّيهَ في القَفْرِ
2. And if parting the sea was a need for him
His Lord would have parted for him the sea's billows
٢. ولو كانَ شَقُّ البحرِ مِن حاجةٍ لهُ
لَشَقَّ لَديهِ رَبُّهُ لُجَّةَ البحرِ
3. He came to us with a face like the morning so he did not
When traveling under the night, need the full moon
٣. أتانا بوجهٍ كالصَّباحِ فلم يكنْ
إذا سار تحتَ اللَّيلِ يحتاجُ للبدرِ
4. And in his white hand that staff which
If it struck a rock would affect the rock
٤. وفي يدهِ البيضاءِ تلكَ العصا التي
إذا ضَرَبَت صخراً تُؤَثِّرُ في الصَّخرِ
5. He has a position on land and sea dedicated
To him the obedience of the masses in secret and openly
٥. لهُ مَنصِبٌ في البَرِّ والبَحرِ أُخلِصَتْ
لهُ طاعةُ الجُمهور في السِّرِّ والجَهْرِ
6. And a crown like a king's crown above his forehead
He took on with it the ring of prohibition and command
٦. وتاجٌ كتاجِ المُلكِ فوقَ جبينهِ
تَقلَّدَ مَعْهُ خاتَمَ النَّهْيِ والأمرِ
7. A doctor who cures the illness of the soul healing
Like Hippocrates for bodies in bygone eras
٧. طبيبٌ يداوي عِلَّةَ النَّفسِ شافياً
كبُقراطَ للأبدانِ في سالفِ الدَّهرِ
8. And he aspires to the whites of pages and their blacks
With ink not the whites of dirhams or yellows
٨. ويصبو إلى بِيضِ الطُّروسِ وسُودِها
من الحِبرِ لا بِيضَ الدَّراهمِ والصُّفرِ
9. God's spirit lodged indeed in the folds of his heart
As it alighted in the womb of the Virgin Mary
٩. لقد حلَّ روحُ اللهِ في طيِّ قلبهِ
كما حلَّ قِدْماً في حَشا مريمَ البِكْرِ
10. So he brought hearts together with his kindness
As pure water mixed with wine
١٠. فألَّفَ ما بين القلوبِ بلطفهِ
كما امتَزَجَ الماءُ الزُلالُ مع الخَمرِ
11. And he founded for the lesson of knowledge a school for us
Building above it a great edifice of reward
١١. وأنشا لدَرْس العلم مدرسةً لنا
بَنَى فوقها بُرجاً عظيماً من الأَجرِ
12. It revived what died of the knowledge of his people
So it was like the sound of the horn on the Day of Resurrection
١٢. أقامت رميماً ماتَ من علمِ قومهِ
فكانت كصوتِ البوقِ في مَوقِفِ الحَشْرِ
13. We see each day as a feast day through him
And all the nights as Laylat al-Qadr through him
١٣. نَرى كلَّ يومٍ يومَ عيدٍ بوَجههِ
وكلَّ الليالي عندنا ليلةَ القَدْرِ
14. And every place he stayed became a sacred house
Visited like circling that tomb
١٤. وكلَّ مَقامٍ حلَّهُ بيتَ مَقدِسٍ
يُزارُ كما يُسعى إلى ذلك القبرِ
15. I composed this praise of him as a token
Of remembering him - I do not seek through it his esteem
١٥. نظمتُ له هذا المديحَ تيمُّناً
بذِكراهُ لا أبغي له رِفعةَ القدرِ
16. And he has through praise no pride that benefits him
Rather through it praise itself gains honor
١٦. وليسَ لهُ بالمدحِ فخرٌ يَنالُهُ
ولكن بهِ للمدحِ عائِدةُ الفخرِ