1. Muhammad has bestowed honor from his grace
Giving dignity to our domain by the tread of his sandal
١. أعطَى مُحَّمدُ عِزَّةٍ من فَضلِهِ
شَرَفاً لِساحَتِنا بوَطْأةِ نَعلهِ
2. His noble name allotted Muhammad
Giving him honor and bestowing grace on his abode
٢. قَسَمَ اسمَهُ السَّامي فنالَ مُحَمَّداً
منهُ وأعطَى عِزَّةً لمَحلِّهِ
3. This minister, minister of the Sultan of mankind
And Caliph of God Most High, His shade
٣. هذا الوزيرُ وزيرُ سُلطانِ الوَرَى
وخليفةِ اللهِ العليِّ وظِلِّهِ
4. I concealed from my house the tidings of his delegation
Lest it clap with joy for his sake
٤. أخفَيتُ عن داري بِشارةَ وَفْدِهِ
كي لا تصفِقَ بالسُّرورِ لأجلهِ
5. Oh visitor to my house, you have seduced it
So seek a house other than it of its like
٥. يا زائراً بيتي أراك فَتَنْتَهُ
فَعَليكَ بَيتٌ غيرُهُ من مِثلِهِ
6. You have made it too lofty for me, so I have come to dread it
As though I were not one of its folk
٦. أجْلَلتَهُ عَنّي فصِرتُ أهابُهُ
حَتَّى كأنّي لم أكُنْ من أهلِهِ