
Today I say the East has become East

أقول اليوم صار الشرق شرقا

1. Today I say the East has become East
The sun of truth has risen from it horizon

١. أقولُ اليومَ صارَ الشَّرْقُ شَرْقا
فشمسُ الحَقِّ حَلَّتْ منهُ أُفْقا

2. Indeed Allah makes all justice
And gives every servant what he deserves

٢. وإنَّ اللهَ يَصنَعُ كلَّ عَدلٍ
فَيُعطي كُلَّ عبدٍ ما استَحَقَّا

3. That crown rejoiced with elation
It would have praised had it gained speech

٣. تَهلّلَ ذلكَ التَّاجُ ابتِهاجاً
فكانَ مُسَبِّحاً لو حازَ نُطْقا

4. The staff is about to turn green with fertility
To give us fruits as sustenance

٤. وأوشكَتِ العَصا تخضَرُّ خِصباً
فتُعطينا منَ الثَّمرَاتِ رِزْقا

5. Time has left behind today those
Who passed from us, and which of people remain?

٥. لَقد خَلَفَ الزَّمانُ اليومَ عَمَّنْ
مَضَى عَنَّا وأيُّ النَّاس يَبْقى

6. Stars whose some set not until
We see others rising in their mansions

٦. كواكبُ لا يَغيبُ البعضُ حتى
نَرَى في مُرتَقاهُ البعضَ يَرْقَى

7. The best shepherd wore leadership
Watering his subjects with the water of righteousness

٧. تَقلَّدَ بالرِّعايةِ خيرُ راعٍ
رَعاياهُ بماءِ البِرِّ تُسقَى

8. Closing the doors to the wastelands
And opening paths to the green pastures

٨. يَسُدُّ على ضَوارِي القَفْرِ باباً
ويَفتَحُ للمَراعي الخُضْرِ طُرْقا

9. We see him the most righteous of Allah's servants at heart
And the best of His creation in manners and ethics

٩. نَراهُ أبرَّ أهلِ اللهِ قلباً
وأحسَنَ خَلْقِهِ خَلْقاً وخُلْقا

10. If you adorned his forehead with a crown
You would see it more glorious and pure

١٠. إذا كَلَّلتَ مَفْرِقَهُ بِتاجٍ
رأيتَ جبينَه أجْلى وأنقى

11. It appeared black so I said a full moon
Its perfection lasted so I found it shining

١١. تردّى بالسَّواد فقلتُ بدرٌ
ودام كمالُهُ فوجدتُ فَرْقا

12. We examined his chest and found it an ocean
When we saw the pearls the similarity was complete

١٢. وخِلْنا صدرَهُ بحراً فلما
رأينا الدُّرَّ تمَّ الشِّبْهُ طِبقا

13. In his mighty right hand a scepter
That crushes the arrogance of tyrants to pieces

١٣. بيمُناهُ العزيزةِ صَوْلجانٌ
يُحطّمُ هامةَ الطاغوتِ سَحْقا

14. He has an eye on the farthest parts of Syria
And another on the outskirts of Egypt

١٤. لهُ طَرَفٌ بأقصَى الشام يبدو
وأخَرُ في أقاصي مِصرَ يُلقَى

15. I see Alexandria everyday
Congratulating Damascus after its desolation

١٥. أرَى الإسكَنْدريَّةَ كلَّ يومٍ
تُهنّئُ بعدَ حَسْرَتِها دِمَشقْا

16. Its heart purified from all sorrow
And happiness has overflowed within it

١٦. تَطَهَّرَ قلبُها من كُلِّ حُزنٍ
وقد فاضَ السُرورُ عليهِ دَفْقا

17. The carrier of the throne came pridefully
The possessor of authority decisively and confidently

١٧. أتى الكُرْسِيَّ رافِعُهُ افتِخاراً
ومالكُ أمرِهِ فَتْقاً ورَتْقا

18. Restoring wellbeing and stopping war
Demolishing falsehood and establishing truth

١٨. يُعيدُ سَلامةً ويَكُفُّ حرباً
ويَهدِمُ باطِلاً ويُقيمُ حَقّا

19. His intimacy makes laugh who wept
And his kindness makes happy who suffered

١٩. ويُضحِكُ أُنسُهُ مَنْ كَانَ يبكي
ويُسعِدُ لُطُفُهُ مَن كانَ يَشْقَى

20. A dawn thereby rises in history from him
Saying today the East has become East

٢٠. فيُشرِقُ منهُ بالتاريخِ صُبحٌ
يقولُ اليومَ صارَ الشَرْقُ شَرْقا