1. Peace upon this world and all who dwell within,
Though our beloved nobles depart and are gone.
١. على الدُنيا ومَن فيها السَلامُ
إذا ذَهَبَتْ أحبَّتُنا الكرامُ
2. For what is this life but a people who pass,
When one who dwelt here leaves, what remains of his home?
٢. وما الدُنيا سوَى أهلٍ عَلَيها
إذا رَحَلَ المُقِيمُ فما المُقامُ
3. Gently, O mourner, though morn finds you woeful,
Your words in our hearts are as mournful as moan.
٣. رُوَيدَكَ أيُّها الناعي صَباحاً
كَلامُك في القُلوبِ لهُ كلامُ
4. You mourn the Moon's setting, his radian light vanished,
Can the Moon overtake where the pigeons have flown?
٤. أَراكَ نَعَيتَ لي قَمَرَ الدَياجي
تُرَى هل يُدرِكُ القَمَرَ الحِمامُ
5. For Michael all eyes now with tears are flowing,
Though in Heaven for him there may still be a smile.
٥. لميخائيلَ تبكي كُلُّ عينٍ
وإن يكُ في الجِنانِ له اْبتِسامُ
6. The women mourn genuinely, each soul is bereaved,
To each a desire, save for him, they disown.
٦. نُسآءُ بما يَسُرُّ وكلُّ نفسٍ
لها وَطَرٌ سِواهُ لا يُرَامُ
7. At home he was joy, though away caused them grieving,
Not even the pigeons evoked such a groan.
٧. أَقامَ على المنازلِ كلَّ خَودٍ
تنوحُ ولا كما ناح الحَمامُ
8. No eulogy matches the one loved so dearly,
His health failed, he sickened, obedient and prone.
٨. وما مِثلُ البكآءِ على حبيبٍ
لطائعهِ وعاصيهِ سَقامُ
9. Noble ladies lament him, their veils drawn before them,
Dark wrapped in their cloaks, their brightness has flown.
٩. سوافرُ لا تنالُ العينُ منها
عليها من غدائِرها لِثامُ
10. Once shining, now bloodied in shade and misfortune,
Young men and old weep, in his blood they are soaked.
١٠. لئنْ كانت بُدوراً في ظَلامٍ
فقد صارت بذاك هيَ الظَلامُ
11. Tears flowing on tears, they fall fast in succession,
The crush and the crowd causes crying conjoined.
١١. مخضَّبةُ الطُلَى بدِمآءِ دمعٍ
بِهِنَّ الشيخُ خُضِّبَ والغُلامُ
12. What riches you gathered, what bearing was yours!
Yet only bare bones in the end you have owned.
١٢. يَحُولُ الدَمعُ دُون الدَمعِ جرياً
فيُوشكُ أَن يُكفكِفَهُ الزِّحامُ
13. You spurned silk and cashmere, their comforts you scorned,
No rug then was laid out, no cushion was strown.
١٣. ألا يا لابسَ الدِيباجِ ماذا
لبِستَ وما اكتَستْ تلكَ العظامُ
14. You left with no word, no farewell was uttered,
When travelers leave can goodbyes still be intoned?
١٤. عَهِدتُ الخَزَّ لا يُرضيكَ مَهْداً
فما افترشَتْ لِجَنْبيَكَ الرِّجامُ
15. You guarded your distance from guests you hosted,
As though fellow sojourners somehow profane.
١٥. رَحلتَ عَنِ الدِّيارِ بلا وَداعٍ
وهل بعدَ الرحيلِ لها سَلامُ
16. The bier does not know whose frame it is holding,
The grave cannot tell who in its clutches is sewn.
١٦. تُحاذرُ بعدَ بَينِكَ من نَزيلٍ
كأنَّ النازلينَ دَمٌ حرامُ
17. If known who you were, the earth would have trembled,
The beasts would descend and tear at your bones.
١٧. أيَدري النعشُ أيُّ فتىً عليهِ
ويدري اللّحدُ من فيهِ ينامُ
18. You were mourned by the pages and pens deeply grieving,
Eloquence wept you as poetry moaned.
١٨. ولو عُرِفت لهُ في التُربِ ذاتٌ
ومَنزلةٌ لَهابَتْهُ الهَوامُ
19. You are mourned by the wise and the foolish together,
None blame those who weep what his charity sown.
١٩. بَكَتهُ الصُحْفُ والأَقلامُ حُزناً
كما بَكَتِ البَلاغةُ والكَلامُ
20. The hand of fate has struck each loving heart,
With arrow of sorrow have arrows been strown.
٢٠. وتبكيهِ العُفاة وكُلُّ عافٍ
على الصَدقاتِ يبكي لا يُلاَمُ
21. So green was the sapling of Bano in life,
How then can we utter that hardened its bones?
٢١. رَمَتْ أيدي المنايا كُلَّ قلبٍ
بسهمِ أسىً بهِ تُصمى السهامُ
22. Such is this life though long it may tarry,
For all that begins will also be gone.
٢٢. قَصَفْنَ قضيبَ بانٍ في صِباهُ
وكيفَ القصفُ إذ لانَ القَوامُ
23. To each soul is wanting and each life imperfect,
Only in death can completion be known.
٢٣. كذا الدُنيا وإن طالت علينا
لكُلِّ بِداءةٍ فيها خِتامُ
24. We build and destroy, no permanence in it,
Of the two, neither endures nor calls any home.
٢٤. ولم تَزَلِ الحَياةُ لكلِّ نفسٍ
بها نقصٌ وفي الموتِ التَّمامُ
٢٥. بَنيناها وتَهدِمُنا وكُلٌّ
من الأمرينِ ليسَ لهُ دَوامُ