1. For whom are the tents and from whence are they descending?
Are they from Rabee'ah or perhaps from Wa'il?
١. لمن الخِيامُ ومن هُنالِكَ نازِلُ
أتُرَى بِهِنَّ رَبيعةٌ أم وَائلُ
2. Your soul has lied to you, but rather they are feverish shelters,
A people who possess the mention of Tubba` worn out.
٢. كَذَبَتْكَ نَفسُكَ بل غَطارِفَةُ الحِمَى
قومٌ لديهمْ ذِكرُ تُبَّعَ خاملُ
3. These are the tents of Banu Haashim around which
Are dwellings filled with eyes, homes and water springs,
٣. هذِهْ خيامُ الهاشمّيةِ حَولَها
مِلّء العُيونِ مَنازِلٌ ومَناهِلُ
4. And settlements, date palms, crowds,
Cauldrons, open plains, and caravans.
٤. ومنَاصلٌ وذَوابلٌ وجحافلٌ
وقنابلٌ ورواحلٌ وقوافلُ
5. The perfume of musk for them has erect stature,
It invades hearts thereby, and a glance shoots arrows.
٥. غَرْثى الوِشاحِ لها قَوامٌ رامحٌ
تغزو القلوبَ به وطَرْفٌ نابلُ
6. And of wonders we see a fallen corpse,
Seeking confrontation, yet the killer flees from him.
٦. ومن العُجاب نَرَى قتيلاً ساقِطاً
يبغي اللِقا فَيفِرُّ منهُ القاتلُ
7. I would ransom the veiled one beyond whom
My tears have a barrier, a curtain hanging down.
٧. أفدِي المُحجَّبةَ التي مِن دُونِها
للدَمعِ في عينِي حِجابٌ سادِلُ
8. O how often Umaymah turned away a suitor!
Should not this suitor today be turned away?
٨. يا طالما رَدَّتْ أمَيمةُ سائلاً
أفَلا يُرَدُّ اليومَ هذا السائلُ
9. O gazelle in the enclosure, it is right to hunt her,
Yet she hunts us violently and does not cajole.
٩. يا ظَبيةً في الحَيِّ نَبغي صَيدَها
فَتصيدُنا عُنْفاً وليس تُخاتِلُ
10. She has no arrows but her glances with which
She hits her prey, and no snares but the branches.
١٠. لا سَهمَ غيرُ لِحاظِها ترمي بهِ
قَنَصَاً ولا غيرَ الفُروعِ حبائلُ
11. You are the most beautiful above all beautiful ones,
So the truth is you while all of them are false.
١١. أنتِ الجميلةُ فوقَ كلِّ جميلةٍ
فالحَقُّ أنتِ وكُلُّهنَّ الباطلُ
12. My excuse in loving you is established so I have
No one to blame save envious slanderers.
١٢. قد قامَ عُذري في هَواكِ فليسَ لي
في الناس غيرَ الحاسدينَ عواذلُ
13. I love you without shame because I
Love the noble, so what can the sayer say?
١٣. أهواكِ لا عارٌ عليَّ لأننَّي
أَهْوَى الكِرامَ فما يقولُ القائلُ
14. I practiced the ethics of the forbearing so time
Betrayed me, equating to the morals of the fool.
١٤. مارستُ أخلاقَ الحليمِ فخانَني
دَهرٌ لأخلاقِ السَّفيهِ يُشاكلُ
15. And I abandoned the traits of the ignorant so I was suspected
Of ignorance since I opposed his desires.
١٥. وعَدَلتُ عن شِيَمِ الجَهولِ فظُنَ بي
جَهلاً لأنّي عن هواهُ ناكلُ
16. And if a word of praise comes to me from an ignorant one,
It is dispraise to me that I am ignorant.
١٦. وإذا أتتني مِدْحةٌ من جاهلٍ
فهيَ المَذَمَّةُ لي بأنِّي جاهلُ
17. I sought loyalty from time and its people
Yet I gained from them what the miser gives.
١٧. رُمتُ الوَفاءَ من الزَّمانِ وأهلهِ
فظَفِرتُ منهُ بما يجودُ الباخلُ
18. And I asked about the blemishes of affection so I was told:
"Wait! It is as if you have forgotten Muhammad."
١٨. وسألتُ عن ذِمَمِ الوِدادِ فقيلَ لي
مَهلاً كأنَّكَ عن مُحمَّدَ غافلُ
19. That friend - even if his abode is far
From us and time has come between as a separator.
١٩. ذاك الصَّديقُ وإن تناءَت دارُهُ
عنَّا وإن حالَ الزَّمانُ الحائلُ
20. Indeed the son of your love is one who sees you in his heart,
Not one who sees you with his eyes and so woos.
٢٠. إنَّ ابنَ وُدِّكَ مَن يَراكَ بقلبِهِ
لا مَن يَراكَ بعينِهِ فيغازِلُ
21. My heart has been fettered from afar
With love to those lines - chains.
٢١. قد قَيَّدتْ قلبي على بُعد المَدَى
بالحُبِّ من تلك السُطورِ سلاسلُ
22. The heart knows they are gems
While the eye claims they are but letters.
٢٢. القلبُ يَعلَمُ أنهنَّ جواهرٌ
والعينُ تَزعُمُ أنَّهُنَّ رسائلُ
23. The keen, intelligent poet, the eloquent
Refined, delicate, and virtuous writer.
٢٣. الشاعرُ الفَطِنُ اللبيبُ الكاتبُ ال
لَبِقُ الأديبُ اللَوذَعيُّ الفاضلُ
24. In his white palm there is a stylus of vigilance
With which the disasters play with eloquences.
٢٤. في كَفِّهِ البيضاءِ سُمْرُ يَراعةٍ
لَعِبتَتْ لها بالمُعرَباتِ عواملُ
25. Sweet of jest and poetry, refined,
His pens are bees and nightingales.
٢٥. حُلوُ الفُكاهةِ والقريضِ مُهذَّبٌ
أقلامُهُ عَسَّالةٌ وعواسلُ
26. If the Nile's water were bitter and turbid,
It would be sweetened by his breaths and features.
٢٦. لو كان ماءُ النيل مُرّاً آجناً
حَلَّتْه أنفاسٌ لهُ وشمائلُ
27. Before him all glory is insignificant,
An ocean to him while all seas are shores.
٢٧. طَودٌ لَدَيهِ كلُّ طودٍ رِبْوَةٌ
بَحرٌ لديهِ كلُّ بحرٍ ساحلُ
28. He bestows honors on us voluntarily
While the honors are obligatory and supererogatory.
٢٨. يَنتْابُنا بالمَكرماتِ تَبرُّعاً
والمَكرُماتُ فرائضٌ ونوافلُ
29. Between me and you O Muhammad there is a distance
To which caravans undertake journeys in the lands.
٢٩. بيني وبينكَ يا مُحمَّدُ شُقَّةٌ
تُطوى إليها في البلادِ مراحلُ
30. And the distances of homelands are no harm
If there is no separation between hearts.
٣٠. وفواصلُ الأوطانِ غيرُ مُضرَّةٍ
إن لم يكن بين القُلوبِ فواصلُ
31. Alexandria boasted in having you,
So its joy became apparent by signs.
٣١. تاهَتْ بك الإسكندريةُ عِزَّةً
فَبَدَتْ عليها للسُرورِ دلائلُ
32. If there are necklaces in Upper Egypt’s valley,
Then the valley of capitals is not without.
٣٢. إن كانَ في جيدِ الصَّعيدِ قلائِدٌ
منها فما جيدُ العَواصمِ عاطلُ
33. O Kaaba of literature to which
Tribes of poetry from every terrain made pilgrimage.
٣٣. يا كَعْبةَ الأدَبِ التي حَجَّت لها
من كلِّ فَجٍّ للقريض قبائلُ
34. You have drowned us altogether in the sea of your merit,
It is as if we are an example and you the result.
٣٤. أغرَقْتَنا في بحرِ فضلكَ جُملةً
فكأنَّنا ضَرْبٌ وأنتَ الحاصلُ
35. We have come to you with foolish verses,
Were it not for you, homes would not have been built for them.
٣٥. جئنا بأبياتٍ لَدَيكَ سخيفةٍ
لَوْلاكَ ما عَمِرتْ لَهُنَّ منازِلُ
36. Damascene, their meanings deficient, even if
A sea of eloquence gifted their wording.
٣٦. شامِيَّةٌ نَقَصَت معانيها وإنْ
أهدى بها في اللفظِ بحرٌ كاملُ
37. How many are the poets when you count them
In series, but the eminent ones are few.
٣٧. ما أكثَرَ الشُّعرَاءَ حينَ تَعُدُّهم
سَرْداً ولكنَّ الفُحولَ قلائلُ