
O Ajja on the west of Lebanon that became famous

عوجا على غرب لبنان الذي اشتهرا

1. O Ajja on the west of Lebanon that became famous
That west is an east where the moon rose

١. عُوجا على غَرْبِ لُبنانَ الذي اشتَهرَا
فذلكَ الغَرْبُ شَرْقٌ أطلَعَ القَمَرا

2. It extended a hand to the land and picked fruit
And extended a hand to the sea and picked pearls

٢. قد مَدَّ للبَرِّ كَفاً فاجتَنَى ثَمَراً
ومَدَّ للبحرِ كَفاً فاجتَنَى دُرَرَا

3. If its land is lower than your countries
It is a base on which the house was built

٣. لئن تَكُنْ أرضُهُ أدنَى بِلادِكما
فتِلكَ أُسٌّ عليهِ البيتُ قد عَمَرا

4. And the origin is lower in status than the branches
Yet it is what provides for the branches and the fruit

٤. والأصلُ أدنَى منَ الأغصانِ مَنزلةً
وَهْوَ الذي يُرفِدُ الأغصانَ والثَمَرا

5. When the face of the Prince appears to you
Glorify God forcibly against those who disbelieved

٥. إذا بَدا لَكُما وجهُ الأميرِ بهِ
فسَبِّحا اللهَ إرغاماً لِمَنْ كَفَرا

6. Do not divert the finest poetry to love verses
About the love of a gazelle and the complaint of an abandoned lover

٦. لا تَصرِفا طَيِّباتِ الشِّعرِ في غَزَلٍ
بحُبِّ ظبيٍ وشَكوَى صاحبٍ هَجَرا

7. When we see the finest gentleness alone
Away from the ranks of people, we criticize the approach of poetry

٧. إذا رأينا بديعَ اللُّطفِ مُنفرِداً
عن رُتبةِ النَّاسِ عِفْنا مَذَهبَ الشُّعَرا

8. And the composer of poetry is a weaver who weaves with it
For each people according to their measure, ink

٨. وناظِمُ الشِّعرِ نسَّاجٌ يَحوكُ بهِ
لكُلِّ قومٍ على مقدارِهْم حِبَرَا

9. I certainly praised his father before him so
The debts of praise spread over livelihoods and broke

٩. لَقد مدَحتُ أباهُ قَبلهُ فسَطَتْ
على يَراعي دُيونُ المَدحِ فانكَسَرا

10. So for me there is praise for him that is deserved
Earned praise and praise by the right of inheritance that became obligatory

١٠. فصارَ عندي لهُ مدحٌ يَحِقُّ لهُ
كسباً ومَدحٌ بحقِّ الإرثِ قد غَبَرا

11. Who has the right to give the old men the heart of a young man
As if it were their heart created in this life

١١. من للشُيُوخِ بأنْ يُعطَوا فُؤَادَ فتىً
كأنَّهُ قَلبُهم في الدَّهرِ قد فُطِرا

12. He attained the perfection that is with the old men and then
Left them after that old age and senility

١٢. نالَ الكمالَ الذي عِندَ الشُّيُوخِ وقد
خَلَّى لهم بعد ذاكَ الشَيْبَ والكِبَرا

13. I ask Allah’s forgiveness, I do not praise him
As I claimed, did the speech lengthen or shorten

١٣. أستغفِرُ اللهَ إنّي لَستُ أمدحُهُ
كما زَعمتُ أطالَ القَولُ أم قَصُرا

14. He is the one who attained what he attained, and I
Announce to the people about his morals, news

١٤. هُوَ الذي نالَ ما قد نالهُ وأنا
أُذيعُ للنَّاسِ عن أخلاقهِ خَبَرا

15. I certainly looked for an equal for him, but this search exhausted me
Who will look with me?

١٥. لَقد طَلَبتُ لهُ مِثلاً فأجَهَدني
هذا الطِّلابُ فمنْ يُلقي معي نَظَرا

16. And who do we have like the Prince, so if
You asked, who can there be like the Prince?

١٦. ومَن تُرى عِندَنا مثلُ الأميرِ فَمنْ
سألتَهُ قالَ من مِثلُ الأمير تُرَى

17. Poetry visits him shyly
And takes shelter in the fold of pages, hidden

١٧. يزورُهُ الشِّعرُ مُلتاحاً على خَجَلٍ
فيَستظِلُّ بطَيِّ الصُحْفِ مُستَتِرا

18. Every day we turn it over
In diction and meaning, and we never finish a composition

١٨. في كلِّ يومٍ على وَجهٍ نُقلِّبُهُ
لَفظاً ومَعنىً ولا نَقضي بهِ وَطَرا

19. Oh son of the Trustworthy one whose qualities gave you
Five, and you added twelve to them

١٩. يا ابنَ الأمينِ الذي أعطْتكَ شيِمتُهُ
خَمْساً فَزِدْتَ علَيهِنَّ اثنَتَيْ عَشَرا

20. The sensible one is not the one who comes to you praising
The sensible one is the one who comes apologizing

٢٠. ليسَ اللَّبيبُ الذي يأتيكَ مُمتدحاً
إنَّ اللَّبيبَ الذي يأتيكَ مُعتذِرا

21. You surpassed the one who was most generous over people
So you have become most capable over the most capable

٢١. قد فُقتَ من كانَ فوقَ النَّاسِ مَكرُمَةً
فأنتَ قد صِرتَ فوقَ الفَوقِ مُقتدرِا

22. It is as if time among us is an ingenious poet
And you are a meaning it invented

٢٢. كأَنَّما الدَّهرُ فينا شاعِرٌ فَطِنٌ
وأنتَ في نفسِهِ مَعنىً قَدِ ابتُكِرا