1. What is the use of hoping in your world with hope
Do you have a covenant with the approaching death
١. ماذا التعلُّلُ في دُنياكَ بالأملِ
هل في يمينكَ مِيثاقٌ من الأجَلِ
2. If you know the soul is deceptive
It would be best if you combined knowledge with action
٢. إن كُنتَ تعلَمُ أنَّ النَّفسَ خادِعةٌ
فحَّبذا لو قَرَنتَ العِلمَ بالعَملِ
3. Those who are ignorant of what will come upon them tomorrow
Inquire yesterday about their first ancestors
٣. من كانَ يجهلُ ما يأتي عليهِ غداً
يَستخبرُ الأمسَ عن أسلافهِ الأُوَلِ
4. Everyone travels at the pace of journeys
After a traveler, after a traveler
٤. كلٌّ على قَدَمِ الأسفارِ مرتحلٌ
في إثرِ مُرتَحِلٍ في إثر مُرتحِلِ
5. O you who seek the pleasures and joys of the world
What is the pleasure of living in the world with anxiety
٥. يا طالباً لَذَّةَ الدُّنيا وبَهجتَها
ما لَذَّةُ العَيشِ في الدُّنيا مع الوَجَلِ
6. A person does not close then open his eyes
Except upon the fear of a death that closes the eyelids
٦. لا يُغمِضُ المرءُ عيناً ثمَّ يفتَحُها
إلاّ على خوفِ موتٍ مُغمِضِ المُقَلِ
7. The friend became like an erect myrrh branch
And the morning turned into irregular fragments
٧. أمسى الخليلُ كغُصنِ البان مُعتدِلاً
والصُّبحُ صارَ هَشيماً غيرَ مُعتدِلِ
8. He was like the full moon in its radiance, but awoke
In the grave, hidden from sights more than Saturn
٨. وباتَ كالبدرِ في إشراقِهِ فغَدا
في القبرِ أخفَى عن الأبصارِ من زُحَلِ
9. He went from the bosom of his father Abraham
And settled in the bosom of Abraham in haste
٩. قد سارَ من حِضْنِ إبراهيمَ والدِهِ
وحلَّ في حِضْنِ إبراهيمَ بالعَجَلِ
10. So his resting place was good in both abodes
As he remained in the bosom of Abraham
١٠. فكان قد طابَ في الدَّارَين مَضجَعُهُ
إذ كانَ في حِضنِ إبراهيمَ لم يَزَلِ
11. At the age of twenty-one his days ended in sorrow
So he passed by the nearest of paths
١١. في عمرِ إحدى وعشرينَ انقضتْ أسَفاً
أيَّامُهُ فَمَضى من أقربِ السُّبُلِ
12. When God called him, he immediately obeyed His voice
For he was not of those who neglect and are lazy
١٢. لمَّا دعا اللهُ لبَّى صوتَهُ عَجَلاً
إذ لمْ يكنْ مِن ذوي الإهمالِ والكَسَلِ
13. O tribe of Musaddiyah, God has granted you
Patience over the horror of this momentous event
١٣. بني مُسَدِّيةٍ أسدَى الإلهُ لكمْ
صبراً على هَوْلِ هذا الحادثِ الجَلَلِ
14. Excuse the pens and tablets from his hand
As you excuse him from serving the state
١٤. عَزُّوا المحابرَ والأقلامَ عن يدهِ
كما تُعَزُّونَ عنهُ خِدمَةَ الدُّولِ
15. O father, be like Abraham when he generously offered
His son to his Lord on that mountain
١٥. كُنْ يا أباهُ كإبراهيمَ حينَ سَخا
لرَبِّهِ بابنهِ في ذلكَ الجَبَلِ
16. I wish with a soul from his beloved ones
He were ransomed as Isaac was ransomed with a ram
١٦. يا ليتَ هذا بنفسٍ مِن أحبَّتِهِ
يُفدَى كما قد فُدِيَ إسحاقُ بالحَملِ
17. We do not console you, O you who has no consolation
Though we are silent and stand in embarrassment
١٧. لَسنا نُعزِّيكَ يا مَن لا عَزاءَ لَهُ
وإنْ سكتْنَا وَقَفْنا مَوْقِفَ الخَجلِ
18. When you console the bereaved, you increase his bereavement
So you would be like extinguishing fire with flames
١٨. إن الحزينَ إذا هوَّنتَ فجعتَهُ
زادتْ فكنتَ كمُطفي النارِ بالشَّعَلِ
19. So excuse him for what you see from him and supplicate for him
With patience, for it is the most beneficial strategy for him
١٩. فاعذِرهُ في ما تراهُ منهُ وادعُ لهُ
بالصَّبرِ فهوَ لهُ من أنفعِ الحِيَلِ
20. O father, be like Abraham when he generously offered
His son to his Lord on that mountain
٢٠. كُنْ يا أباهُ كإبراهيمَ حينَ سَخا
لرَبِّهِ بابنهِ في ذلكَ الجَبَلِ
21. I wish with a soul from his beloved ones
He were ransomed as Isaac was ransomed with a ram
٢١. يا ليتَ هذا بنفسٍ مِن أحبَّتِهِ
يُفدَى كما قد فُدِيَ إسحاقُ بالحَملِ
22. We do not console you, O you who has no consolation
Though we are silent and stand in embarrassment
٢٢. لَسنا نُعزِّيكَ يا مَن لا عَزاءَ لَهُ
وإنْ سكتْنَا وَقَفْنا مَوْقِفَ الخَجلِ
23. When you console the bereaved, you increase his bereavement
So you would be like extinguishing fire with flames
٢٣. إن الحزينَ إذا هوَّنتَ فجعتَهُ
زادتْ فكنتَ كمُطفي النارِ بالشَّعَلِ
24. So excuse him for what you see from him and supplicate for him
With patience, for it is the most beneficial strategy for him
٢٤. فاعذِرهُ في ما تراهُ منهُ وادعُ لهُ
بالصَّبرِ فهوَ لهُ من أنفعِ الحِيَلِ