
With him Yusuf al-Abasi commanded at death

بها يوسف العبسي أوصى لدى القضا

1. With him Yusuf al-Abasi commanded at death
A beauty for the house of God that pleased the form

١. بها يُوسُفُ العبسيُّ أوصَى لَدَى القَضَا
جمالاً لبيتِ الله قد رَاقَ شَكْلهُ

2. A young man of the honorable people whose fame has spread
With the goodness of his qualities as his virtue appeared

٢. فتىً مِن كرامِ النَّاسِ قد شاعَ ذِكرُهُ
بحُسنِ سجاياهُ كما بانَ فضُلهُ

3. He spent his life obeying God walking
The path of piety in a course that suited him

٣. قَضَى عُمرَهُ في طاعةِ اللهِ سالِكاً
سبيلَ التُّقَى في مَسلَكٍ هُوَ أهلُهُ

4. He built a white dome on the land they recorded
And in the blue dome he became its place

٤. بَنَى قُبَّةً بيضاءَ في الأرضِ أرِّخوا
وفي القُبِّةِ الزَّرقاءِ أضحَى مَحلُّهُ