1. A departing one made the eyes of the sons of Atta weep
He is described with the virtues of a pure soul
١. أبكَى عيونَ بني عطاءٍ راحلٌ
بفضائلِ النَّفس الزكيَّةِ يُوصَفُ
2. He spent his life and none complained of him
Neither in word nor deed was he rebuked
٢. صَرَفَ الحياةَ وما شكا أحدٌ لهُ
قولاً ولا عَمَلاً عليهِ يُعنَّفُ
3. He became like refined gold in essence
From the completeness of an age in which he lingered
٣. قد صارَ كالذَّهَبِ المصفَّى جوهراً
لتَمامِ عُمرٍ طالَ فيهِ المَوقِفُ
4. He attained salvation, so I said in his obituary
Joseph is released from the prisons of the land of Egypt
٤. نال الخلاصَ فقُلتُ في تأريخِهِ
مِن سِجنِ مِصرِ الأرضِ أُطلِقَ يُوسُفُ