1. He recalled his beloved, so his heart quivered at her memory,
Did it fly or fall in weakness for her sake?
١. ذَكَرَ النَّقا فاهتزَّ من ذِكرِ النَّقا
أتُرَى استُطِيرَ فُؤَادُهُ أم أخفقا
2. And the greedy one breathed deeply until his breath ran out,
As if amidst his ribs grew tender leaves.
٢. وتَنفَّسَ الصُّعَداء حتَّى خِلتهُ
لو كانَ بينَ أراكِهِ ما أورَقا
3. Each heart has its own passions, and my brother's heart
Clings to the darling of a people in his love.
٣. كلٌّ لهُ قلبٌ وقلبُ أخي الهَوَى
لَربيبِ قومٍ في هَواهُ تَعلَّقا
4. He finds bliss in adversity and kindles
Anger if they say "We think you a fool."
٤. يَجِدُّ التَّنعُّمَ في الشَّقاءِ ويَلتظِي
غَضَباً إذا قالوا نَظُنُّكَ أحمقا
5. The age is bent on stubbornness and its people
Are bent on taking guile as their ally.
٥. طُبِعَ الزَّمانُ على العِنادِ وأهلُهُ
طُبِعوا على أخذِ الخديعةِ مَوثِقا
6. I believe the word of a truthful free man,
But I find experience more truthful still.
٦. إنِّي أُصدِّقُ قولَ حُرٍّ صادقٍ
لكنَّني أجِدُ التَّجاربَ أصدَقا