1. Do not blame him for loving, and excuse him,
Does blame benefit one who cannot comprehend it?
١. لا تلوميهِ في الهَوَى واعذرِيهِ
هل يُفيدُ المَلامُ مَن لا يَعيهِ
2. Love responds to blame as an inviter, so if you say,
"Abandon the inviter," then abandon him.
٢. للهوى كالمَلام داعٍ فإنْ قُل
تِ بتركِ الداعي إذَنْ فاترُكيهِ
3. The hearts of the infatuated are burning embers, otherwise
They are solid stone in the breasts of those you meet.
٣. حَدَقُ الغيدِ فاتناتٌ وإلاّ
فَجَمادٌ فُؤادُ من تلتقيهِ
4. And love in hearts is a condition - for if it is not
For the desired, then for the hated.
٤. والهوى في القُلوبِ شَرْطٌ فإن لم
يَكُ بالمُشتَهى فبالمكروه
5. We all seek a way of life,
And the joy of a young man is in what he seeks.
٥. كُلُّنا يبتغي من العَيشِ ضَرْباً
وسُرورُ الفتى بما يبتغيهِ
6. We only differ in our minds,
Just as we differ in our faces.
٦. إنما نحنُ في اختِلافِ عُقولٍ
مِثلَما نحنُ في اختلافِ وُجوهِ
7. One may find pleasant what we hate
And dislike what we desire.
٧. رُبّما طابَ للفتَى ما كَرِهنا
وَهْوَ منّا وعافَ ما نشتهيهِ
8. If tastes were equal, there would not be
In the world a wretched one, nor one held in high esteem.
٨. لو تَساوى المذاقُ لم يَكُ في الد
دُنيا خسيسٌ ولم تَقُمْ بالنبيهِ
9. I protected my soul from an ignorant one who protected
His soul from me, complaining of me as I complain of him.
٩. صُنتُ نفسي عن جاهلٍ صانَ عنّي
نفسَهُ يشكوني كما أشتكيه
10. And if I did not meet the fool with forbearance
My forbearance would be lost, and I would be the fool.
١٠. وإذا لم ألقَ السفيهَ بحِلمٍ
ضاعَ حِلمي فكنتُ عينَ السفيهِ
11. Knowledge once had a status among people
Who knew it, and so honored those who knew it.
١١. كانَ للعلمِ دولةٌ عندَ قومٍ
عَرَفوهُ فأكرَموا عارفيهِ
12. Among us there is none who accepts knowledge freely,
So if you sell it, who will buy it?
١٢. ليسَ فينا من يَقبَلُ العلمَ عَفْواً
فإذا بِعتَهُ فَمن يشتريهِ
13. The people of our time satirized us, so we obtained
A share of satire, for we are among their people.
١٣. قد هجونا بني الزَمانِ فنِلنا
حَظَّ هجوٍ لأنّنا مِن بنيهِ
14. The sword of poets is satire, but few
Wield this sword and cut with it.
١٤. سيفُ أهل الشِعرِ الهِجاءُ ولكِنْ
قَلَّ من هذا السيفُ يقطعُ فيهِ
15. The experiences of fate taught me what
I did not know of its family and relatives.
١٥. علّمتني تجاربُ الدَّهرِ ما لا
كنتُ أدرِي من آلهِ وذَويِهِ
16. And I gave up poetry to seize upon
Opportunities, when I saw who seeks them.
١٦. وتركتُ القَرِيضَ أنتهِزُ الفُر
صةَ حتى رأيتُ من يقتضيهِ
17. An attribute I described creativity until
It facilitated in rhetoric the composition of extempore verse.
١٧. صِفَةٌ أصْفَتِ القَريحةَ حتّى
سَهَّلت في البديعِ نظمَ البَديهِ
18. Marvels in deed are possible in words, but are
Distant in simile.
١٨. مُعجِزاتٌ في الفِعلِ مُمكِنةٌ في ال
قَولِ لكن بعيدةُ التشبيه
19. The deputy of a minister is a minister
Who has assumed excellence, though he does not claim it.
١٩. إنما نائبُ الوزير وزيرٌ
قامَ بالفضل وهْو لا يدَّعيهِ
20. The discourse of the incapable is words, but for the
Capable, deeds render words unnecessary.
٢٠. عُمدةُ العاجزِ الكلامُ ولِلفَعْ
عَالِ فِعلٌ عن قولهِ يُغنيهِ
21. It burdened people to describe it, yet if it
Were tasked to describe itself, it could not enumerate it.
٢١. كَلَّفَ الناسَ وصفَهُ وهْوَ لو كُلْ
لِفَهُ ما استطاعَ أنْ يُحصيهِ
22. Its chest can contain a kingdom, like an eye
That contained all the sparks that flash in it.
٢٢. يَسَعُ المُلكَ صدرُهُ مثلَ عَينٍ
وَسِعتْ كُلَّ فَدفَدٍ تجتليهِ
23. A writer who wields swords, a watchman
With weapons in his hands, though no blows follow them.
٢٣. كاتبٌ يقطعُ السُيوفَ يَراعٌ
في يديهِ وليسَ ضَرْبٌ يَليهِ
24. An ascetic wearing black, walking
In white, though his gait is one of confusion.
٢٤. زاهدٌ يلبَسُ السوادَ ويمشي
في بَياضٍ لديهِ مِشْيةَ تِيهِ
25. And when books disappear from him
Tablets follow, tracking him.
٢٥. وإذا غابَتِ الصحائفُ عنهُ
حَضَرَتْهُ صَفائحٌ تقتفيهِ
26. The sword knew it earns whiteness,
So it came to him to scrape it.
٢٦. عَلِمَ السيفُ أنَّهُ يكِسبُ البِي
ضَ فِرِنْداً فجاءَهُ يجتديهِ
27. Often, a generous one embarrassed the noble ones -
God multiplied in the earth his enviers.
٢٧. طالما أخجَلَ الكِرامَ كريمٌ
أكثرَ اللهُ في الوَرَى حاسِديهِ
28. They were amazed at the smallness of what appeared of
His deeds, though the great does not satisfy him.
٢٨. عَجِبوا من صَغيرِ ما لاحَ من أفْ
عالهِ والكبيرُ لا يُرضيهِ
29. What sufficed the commoner does not suffice the prince,
So he gives beyond what is hoped of him.
٢٩. ليسَ يكفي الأميرَ ما قد كفى الرا
جي فيُعطيه فوقَ ما يرتجيهِ
30. That one hopes according to his measure, and this one
Gives according to the measure of his soul.
٣٠. ذاكَ يرجو بحَسْبِ مِقدارِهِ وَهْ
وَ عَلى قَدْرِ نفسِهِ يُعطيهِ
31. The rain boasts when it is likened in
Generosity to it, denying those who described it.
٣١. يَفخَرُ الغيثُ إذ يُشَبَّهُ في الجُو
دِ بهِ مُنكِراً على واصفِيهِ
32. One flows with water for a time, while the other
With freshness lasting for those who seek it.
٣٢. ذاك يجري بالماء حيناً وهذا
بِنُضارٍ يَدومُ للسائليهِ
33. With the beauty of its smiling and the blossoming
Of stars - nothing can portray it.
٣٣. من لزَهرِ الرُّبى بحُسنِ مُحيّا
هُ وزُهرُ النُجومِ لا تَحْكيهِ
34. The sword is forged from the brightness of his hands,
And jewelry fashioned from the eloquence in them.
٣٤. يُطبَعُ السيفُ من مَضاءِ يديهِ
وتُصاغُ الحُلِيُّ من لَفْظِ فيهِ
35. O pillar of a state, scrutinize those you appoint,
Scrutinizing them before selecting them.
٣٥. يا عِماداً لدَولةٍ مَن تُصافي
هِ تُصَفيّهِ قبلَ أن تَصطفيهِ
36. You are the one poetry befits, but for you
Is a right - not all poetry fulfills it.
٣٦. أنتَ مَن ينبغي لهُ الشِعرُ لكنْ
لكَ حَقٌّ ما كُلُّ شِعرٍ يَفيهِ