
O Jirjis, the Chosen Argument, you have attained

يا جرجس الحجة المختار فزت بما

1. O Jirjis, the Chosen Argument, you have attained
What you hoped for from the Grace of the All-Powerful Lord.

١. يا جرجسَ الحجَّةَ المختارَ فُزتَ بِما
رجوتَ مِن فضلِ ربٍّ نافِذِ القَدَرِ

2. You obtained the pleasure of the God of the Throne joyfully,
And you were the eye of pleasure for God and mankind.

٢. نِلتَ الرِّضَى مِن إلهِ العرشِ مبتَهِجاً
وكنتَ عينَ الرِّضى للهِ والبَشَرِ

3. So you stood in a position of the shade of His Mercy,
You are its date, wearing in it the garments of victory.

٣. فقمتَ في مَوقفٍ مِن ظلِّ رحمتهِ
تأريخهُ أنتَ فيهِ لابسُ الظَّفَرِ