
The zeal of kingship sufficed me with honor and was enough

نادى حمى الملك حسبي عزة وكفى

1. The zeal of kingship sufficed me with honor and was enough
For how long and for what should I seek glory?

١. نادَى حِمى المُلكِ حَسْبي عَزَّةً وكَفَى
إلى مَتَى وبماذا أطلُبُ الشَرَفا

2. Abdul Aziz took care of me, so through him
I was like one climbing a ladder till I stopped when I reached the top

٢. عبدُ العزيزِ تَولاّني فكنُتُ بهِ
كصاعِدٍ دَرَجاً لمَّا انتَهَى وقَفا

3. Say to him who complains of the betrayal of time regarding us
Gently! Do you not see how time has been faithful?

٣. قُلْ للذي يشتكي غَدْرَ الزَّمانِ بنا
مَهلاً ألسْتَ تَرَى كيفَ الزَّمانُ وَفَى

4. It gave us more than what our souls hoped for
Until it established over us the best of successors

٤. أفادَنا فوقَ ما ترجوهُ أنفُسُنا
حتى أقامَ علينا أفضلَ الخُلفَا

5. Is there anyone today like Abd al-Aziz among kings?
No, nor was there anyone like him in time past

٥. هل مِثلُ عبدِ العزيزِ اليومَ من مَلِكٍ
كلاّ ولا كانَ في الدَّهرِ الذي سَلفَا

6. The embodiment of perfection as if God shaped him
From the essence of grace, not clay or pottery

٦. شخصُ الكَمالِ كأنَّ اللهَ صَوَّرَهُ
من مَعدِنِ اللُّطفِ لا طِيناً ولا خَزَفا

7. In his time of rule he revived the justice of the companions
As if in him the images of resurrection cried out

٧. أحيا الصَحابةَ عَدْلاً عَصرُ دَولتِهِ
كأنَّما فيهِ صُورُ البَعثِ قد هَتَفا

8. If the sea could gift him its essence
It would not leave in its depths a pearl or shell

٨. لو أمكَنَ البحرَ أنْ يُهدِيهِ جَوهَرهُ
لم يُبقِ في جَوفِهِ دُرّاً ولا صَدَفا

9. This caliph is God's shade outstretched
Over His land, encompassing God's servants

٩. هذا الخليفةُ ظِلُّ اللهِ مُنبَسِطاً
في أرضِهِ لِعبادِ اللهِ مُكتَنِفا

10. God's care protects the glory of his state
And good fortune stands vigil at his lofty court

١٠. عِنايةُ اللهِ ترعى مَجْدَ دولتِهِ
والسَّعدُ في بابِهِ المرفوعِ قد عَكَفا

11. The vastness of his rule, his mercy enveloped
Not missing a middle or an edge

١١. الواسعُ المُلكِ قد عَمَّتْهُ رَحمتُهُ
فلم تَفُتْ وَسَطاً منهُ ولا طَرَفا

12. And the piercing of his thought, if its illumination
Were the full moon, it would suffer no loss or eclipse

١٢. والثاقِبُ الفِكرِ لو كانت إنارتُهُ
في البدرِ ما مَسَّهُ نَقصٌ ولا خُسِفَا

13. In his hand is the sword of justice, its blade raised
In the sheath of clemency with God's creation, gentle

١٣. في كَفِّهِ سيفُ عَدلٍ طالَ قائِمُهُ
في غِمْدِ حلمٍ بخَلْقِ اللهِ قد لَطفَا

14. So wherever terrible slaughter was warranted, it struck
And wherever pardon could be allowed, it forgave

١٤. فحيثما وَجَبَ الفَتْكُ الرَّهيبُ سَطا
وحيثما احتُمِلَ الصَّفحُ الجميلُ عَفا

15. O you by whom examples are given in an age
In which the cup of delight was made sweet for us to sip

١٥. يا من بهِ تُضرَبُ الأمثالُ في زَمَنٍ
قد طابَ فيهِ لنا كأسُ الهَنا وصَفا

16. You have advanced among kings as people advance
The first letter among letters, the alphabet's start

١٦. لقد تَقدَّمتَ ما بينَ المُلوكِ كما
تُقَدِّمُ النَّاسُ بينَ الأحرُفِ الأَلِفَا

17. We aim to describe you in what you possess
But description falls short of you, who described

١٧. نَرُومُ وَصفَكَ في ما أنتَ حائزُهُ
فتغلِبُ الوَصفَ منّا والذي وَصَفا

18. So may you remain, with God, victorious forever
Turning to good and gaining praise, successor after successor

١٨. فلا تَزَلْ غالباً باللهِ مُنتَصِراً
تُولِي الجميلَ وتَستولي الثَّنا خَلَفا