1. The Lord of the house has risen in his lands,
And the steed has raced there in its field.
١. قد قامَ رَبُّ الدَّارِ في أوطانِهِ
وجَرَى الجَوادُ هُناكَ في مَيدانِهِ
2. What was dry of vegetation has turned green,
So the waters of fertility flowed through its limbs.
٢. واخضَرَّ ما قد جَفَّ من نَبْتِ الرُّبَى
فجرَت مياهُ الخِصبِ في عِيدانِهِ
3. Spring has returned to the home with its flowers,
As it was in its time after the passage of its time.
٣. عاد الرَّبيعُ إلى الدِّيارِ بزَهرهِ
كزَمانِهِ بعدَ انقضاءِ زَمانِهِ
4. Its felicity gave it vitality,
In a month that did not occur to its forgetfulness.
٤. وأفادهُ سَعدُ الشِّهابِ نَضارةً
في آبَ لم تَخطُرْ على نَيْسانِهِ
5. Authority came to the people of its positions which
No one is ashamed to kiss its fingertips.
٥. أتَتِ الوِلايةُ أهلَ منَصبِها الذي
لا يستحي أحَدٌ بلثمِ بَنانِهِ
6. For glory in Lebanon a lofty house,
The Shihabs are the pillar of its corners.
٦. للمجدِ في لُبنانَ بيتٌ شامخٌ
آلُ الشِّهابِ الرأسُ من أركانِهِ
7. A people who have an ancient nobility from the span
Of time the dating eluded the preservation of its times.
٧. قومٌ لهم شَرَفٌ قديمٌ من مَدَى
زَمَنٍ عَصى التأريخَ حِفظُ أوانِهِ
8. If the genealogist of Hejaz had wanted to verify it,
The thread would have taken him to its Adnan.
٨. لو هَمَّ نُسَّابُ الحِجازِ بضبطِهِ
بَلغَ السِّياقُ بهِ إلى عَدنانِهِ
9. How many flower pickers from the width of chances!
O you who picked the flowers from its garden.
٩. كم قاطفٍ للزَّهرِ من عُرضِ الفَلا
يا مَن قطفتَ الزَّهرَ من بُستانِهِ
10. Whoever was from the descent of al-Bashir, that one when
Kingdoms were not above the loftiness of his rank.
١٠. مَن كانَ مِن نسلِ البشيرِ فذاكَ لم
تَكُنِ الممالِكُ فوقَ رِفعةِ شانِهِ
11. That is the one who controlled the reins of his countries,
As his hand controlled the reins of his steed.
١١. ذاكَ الذي ضَبَطَتْ عِنانَ بِلادِهِ
يَدُهُ كما ضَبَطَت عِنانَ حِصانِهِ
12. Water used to extinguish the ember of others,
While water burned him, the intensity of its fires.
١٢. قد كان يُطفي الماءُ جمرةَ غيرهِ
والماءُ يُحرِقُهُ لَظَى نِيرانِهِ
13. And you have adopted his traits and qualities,
From where you were brought up in his office.
١٣. وقد اقتبستَ خِصالَهُ وصفاتَهُ
من حيثُ كُنتَ نشأتَ في دِيوانِهِ
14. The origin flows in the branches, its brilliance,
Begetting fruits in its branches.
١٤. والأصلُ يجري في الفُروعِ زكاؤُهُ
فيُولِّدُ الأثمارَ في أغصانهِ
15. The countries rejoiced in your position, because
In an ascendant with good fortune is its marriage contract.
١٥. سُرَّت بمَنصبِكَ البِلادُ لأنَّهُ
في طالعٍ بالسَّعدِ عَقْدُ قِرانِهِ
16. He who cannot congratulate with his tongue,
Continues to present you with his book.
١٦. ما زالَ يُهديكَ الهَنا بكتابهِ
مَن ليسَ يُمكنُهُ الهَنا بلِسانِهِ