1. If you take refuge in God in your worldly life,
Then do not be afraid if your steps falter.
١. إن كُنتَ باللهِ في دُنياكَ تَعتصِمُ
فلا تَكُنْ خائفاً إن زَلَّتِ القَدَمُ
2. And seek for yourself, other than the earth, a dwelling,
If you desire a bliss wherein is no pain.
٢. واطلُبْ لنَفسِكَ غَيرَ الأرضِ مَنزِلةً
إنْ كُنتَ تَبِغي نَعيماً ما بهِ ألَمُ
3. He who lived on earth, his safety is not to be hoped for,
From an affliction and the calamities of time that are crowded.
٣. مَن عاشَ في الأرضِ لا تُرجَى سَلامتُهُ
من نَكبةٍ وَبلايا الدَّهرِ تَزدَحمُ
4. And how can he feel safe from the blows of the waves, he
Who ventured into the sea while the billows clash together.
٤. وكيفَ يأمَنُ من لَطْمِ المياهِ لهُ
مَن خاضَ في البحر والأمواجُ تَلتطِمُ
5. The accidents of fate choose the honorable, so
They have continued according to the measures of destiny to divide.
٥. حوادثُ الدَّهرِ تَخْتارُ الكرامَ فما
زالت على حَسَبِ الأقدارِ تَنقسِمُ
6. And the anxiety of each is according to the extent of his anxiety,
So there are no worries for a people who have no ambitions.
٦. وهَمُّ كلٍّ على مِقدارِ همَّتِهِ
فلا هُمومَ لقَومٍ ما لهم هِمَمُ
7. People to people are like enemies, it has not ceased
That most of the time hostility comes from them.
٧. النَّاسُ للنَّاسِ كالأعداءِ ما بَرِحَتْ
في أكثرِ الأمر تأتي منهمُ النِّقَمُ
8. If their harm is not deliberate, then by mistake,
And it may be with the intention of benefiting, their harm.
٨. إن لم يكن ضَرُّهُمْ عَمْداً فَعَنْ خَطأٍ
وقد يكونُ بقَصدِ النَّفعِ ضَرُّهُمُ
9. The gain of living in the present world is to avoid them,
But that is not something to be coveted.
٩. غَنيمةُ العيشِ في الدُنيا تَجَنُّبُهمْ
لكنَّ ذلكَ مِمَّا ليسَ يُغتَنَمُ
10. They are like food, which we cannot do without,
With it we live, and from it comes disease.
١٠. هم كالطَّعامِ الذي لا بُدَّ منه لنا
بهِ نَعيشُ ومنهُ يَحدُثُ السَّقَمُ
11. All jewels are loaned fineries
Whose value becomes cheap when characters and reputations are safe.
١١. كلُّ الجَواهرِ أعراضٌ رَزِيَّتُها
تَهونُ إذ تَسلَمُ الأعراضُ والشِّيمُ
12. And money is like the breeze, if by
God's power in our bodies the breath is safe.
١٢. والمالُ مثلُ نسيمِ الرِّيحِ إن سَلِمَتْ
بقُدرةِ اللهِ في أبدانِنا النَّسَمُ
13. Weeping is not for a loss after which there is no replacement,
But weeping is for a loss after which is naught.
١٣. ليسَ البُكاءُ لِفَقْدٍ بَعدَهُ خَلَفٌ
إن البُكاءَ لِفَقْدٍ بَعدَهُ عَدَمُ
14. Wealth may sprout like the nails, you cut it,
And the gap of wealth is like a wound that closes up.
١٤. قد يَنبتُ المالُ مِثلَ الظُفرِ تَقطَعُهُ
وثُلمَةُ المال مثلَ الجُرحِ تَلتحِمُ
15. As long as the predator eagle has wings,
The prey will not escape from it wherever it retreats.
١٥. ما دامَ للأجْدَلِ القَنَّاصِ أجنِحةٌ
لا يُفلِتُ الصَّيدُ منهُ حيثُ يَنهزِمُ
16. And good knows paths which it is accustomed to,
So it does not get lost even if darkness should stand in its way.
١٦. والخَيرُ يَعرِفُ طُرْقاً قد تَعوَّدها
فلا يَضِلُّ ولو قامَتْ بها الظُلَمُ
17. More honorable for a man than the glory of wealth,
Is the glory of loyalty, piety of God, and generosity.
١٧. أجَلُّ للمَرْءِ من مجدِ الغِنَى شَرَفاً
مجدُ الوَفاءِ تَقَوى اللهِ والكَرَمُ
18. And the highest of people in rank with God,
Is he who was not violating people's rights.
١٨. وأرفَعُ النَّاسِ عِندَ اللهِ منزِلةً
مَنْ لم يكن لِحُقوقِ النَّاسِ يَهتَضِمُ
19. God has a secret in creation we do not perceive,
And a wisdom for which judgments, without Him, are nullified.
١٩. للهِ في الخلَقِ سِرٌّ ليس نُدرِكُهُ
وحِكمةٌ بَطَلَتْ من دُونِها الحِكَمُ
20. A servant is granted only what He has ordained, and
No one afflicts him but what the Pen has flowed.
٢٠. لا يُرزَقُ العبدُ إلاّ ما قَضاهُ ولا
يُصيبُهُ غيرُ ما يَجرِي بهِ القَلَمُ
21. God will mend a heart that remained broken,
And He does not leave an ember that continued to burn.
٢١. سيَجبُرُ اللهُ قَلباً باتَ مُنكسراً
وليسَ يَترُكُ جَمْراً كانَ يَضطِرمُ
22. There is no narrowness in time save after which is relief,
And no youth but after it is old age.
٢٢. لا ضِيقَ في الدَّهرِ إلا بَعدَهُ فَرَجٌ
ولا شبيبةَ إلاّ بَعدَها هَرَمُ
23. When God aims His favor upon a servant in difficulty,
He keeps the left so the difficulty does not take it by surprise.
٢٣. إذا رَمَى اللهُ يُمنَى العبدِ في عَسَمٍ
يُبقي الشِّمالَ فلا يَغتالُها العَسَمُ
24. If His blessing at the victory of God did not last,
Then the gratitude to God and blessings have been cared for.
٢٤. إن لم تَدُمْ عِندَ نصرِ اللهِ نِعمتُهُ
فقد تَعاهَدَ شُكرُ اللهِ والنِّعَمُ