
What does the envious one hope for with his effort,

ماذا يؤمله الحسود بجهده

1. What does the envious one hope for with his effort,
When the Master intends to honor His servant?

١. ماذا يُؤَمِّلُهُ الحَسُودُ بجَهْدِهِ
إذ يَقصِدُ الموَلى كَرامةَ عبدِهِ

2. And if God wills to aid the successful one,
The angels of heaven are made his troops.

٢. وإذا أرادَ اللهُ عَوْنَ مُوفَّقٍ
جُعَلِتْ مَلائكةُ السَّماءِ كجُندهِ

3. God has a secret in His servants and a wisdom
That leaves the rightly-guided one absent from his guidance.

٣. للهِ سِرٌّ في العِبادِ وحِكْمةٌ
تَدَعُ الرَّشيدَ كغائبٍ عن رُشدِهِ

4. He decrees what He desires, so ask about His act,
If you wish, but do not ask about His purpose.

٤. يَقضي بما يَهْوَي فَسَلْ عن فِعِلِهِ
إنْ شئِتَ لكنْ لا تَسَلْ عن قَصدِهِ

5. And time is like a garden among its men,
The thorns must hurt the one who picks its roses.

٥. والدَّهرُ كالبُستانِ بينَ رِجالهِ
لا بُدَّ يُؤذِي الشَّوكُ قاطفَ وَردِهِ

6. If we had not tasted the bitterness of patience yesterday,
We would not know the sweetness of its honey today.

٦. لو لم نَكُنْ ذُقنا مَرارةَ صَبرِهِ
بالأمسِ لم نَعرِفْ حَلاوةَ شَهدِهِ

7. Do not praise the matter you have seen
Until it is complete, so stop there with praising it.

٧. لا تَحمَدِ الأمرَ الذي أبصَرتَهُ
حَتَّى يَتِمَّ فقمْ هُناكَ بَحمدِهِ

8. And if you have gained a dirham of friendship,
Task the trials of time with its payment.

٨. وإذا قَبَضْتَ مِنَ الصَداقةِ دِرْهماً
كَلِّفْ تجاريبَ الزَّمانِ بنَقْدِهِ

9. The true friend is the one steadfast in loyalty
In the time of dire poverty, not in prosperity.

٩. إنَّ الصَّديقَ هُوَ المُقيمُ على الوَفا
في وَقتِ ضَنْكِ العَيشِ لا في رَغدِهِ

10. The people of friendship in misfortunes are few,
And all are the fellows of the youth in his good fortune.

١٠. أهْلُ الصَّداقِةِ في النُّحُوسِ قَلائلٌ
والكُلُّ أصحابُ الفَتَى في سَعدِهِ

11. The beauty is not for he who makes a pact with a friend,
Rather the beauty is for he who keeps his pact.

١١. ليسَ الجميلُ لِمَنْ يُعاهِدُ صاحباً
إنَّ الجَميلَ لِمَنْ يَقومُ بعَهدِهِ

12. He who does not keep sincere affection for people
Cannot preserve the love that is right for his Lord.

١٢. لا يحَفَظُ الوُدَّ السَّليمَ لرَبِّهِ
مَن لم يكُنْ للناسِ حافظَ ودِّهِ

13. O blessing of God, you who have blessing from Him
And honor from His side.

١٣. يا نِعمةَ اللهِْ الذي لَكَ نِعمةٌ
من فَضلِهِ وكَرامةٌ مِن عِندِهِ

14. God has promised the steadfast His support,
Do not think God reneges on His promise.

١٤. وَعَدَ الإلهُ الصَّابرِينَ بعَونِهِ
لا تَحسَبَنَّ اللهَ مُخلِفَ وَعدِهِ

15. How many a cutting sword of harm
Has been sheathed while sleeping in its scabbard?

١٥. كم قد تَجرَّدَ سيفُ رجزٍ قاطعٌ
سَحَراً فأمسَى نائماً في غِمدِهِ

16. And how much empty thunderous cloud
Whose lightning shook from its thunder?

١٦. وَلَكَمْ تَمزَّقَ من سَحابٍ فارغٍ
قد كانَ يَرجُفُ بَرقُهُ من رَعدهِ

17. He who lives in this time is in need
Of patience for the heat of time and its cold.

١٧. من عاشَ في هذا الزَّمانِ يَعوزُهُ
صَبرٌ على حَرِّ الزَمانِ وبَرْدِهِ

18. Illness does not sadden the young man with its arrival,
As he rejoices at its departure.

١٨. لا يُحْزِنُ المَرَضُ الفَتَى بقُدومِهِ
يوماً عليهِ كما يَسُرُّ بفَقْدِهِ

19. If you have been loyal, thus it is
The Great King has been good in supporting you.

١٩. إنْ كُنتَ أحسنتَ الوَفاءَ فهكذا
قد أحسنَ المَلِكُ العظيمُ بِرِفدِهِ

20. You shared with him yesterday in his troubles,
And today you are his partner in his glory.

٢٠. شارَكتَهُ بالأمسِ في أتعابِهِ
واليومَ أنتَ شريكُهُ في مَجْدِهِ